Navigating the Waters of Suicide Prevention: Developing Student Lifesavers Kate Schaeffer, M.A. Kimberly Chestnut, Ph.D. NASPA AODV&MH 2014
but check the following… Concerns on Campus We found NO significant differences between Temple and ACHA - NCHA results on felt things were hopeless or felt so depressed and it was difficult to function, but check the following… Seriously considered suicide Temple (n=811) ACHA (n=27810) No, Never 75.7% 79.9% No, not in the last 12 months 16.3% 13.2% Yes, in the last 12 months 8.1% 7% p=0.0137** Attempted suicide Temple (n=811) ACHA (n=27810) No, Never 91.9% 91.3% No, not in the last 12 months 6% 7% Yes, in the last 12 months 2.1% 1.3% p=0.0491**
Garrett Lee Smith Campus Suicide Prevention Grant Let us share with you what we’ve done in 18 months!
Creating the Lifesaver Program Give students best-practice-based trainings to increase help seeking & distress identification.
Goals & Objectives of the Certificate The goals of the Lifesaver Certificate trainings are to enable students to: Identify, Refer, and Support The G&Os are based on strategies and goals set by the Surgeon General and the National Alliance for Suicide Prevention’s National Strategy for Suicide Prevention Goals & Objectives of the Certificate
Increase knowledge of warning signs for suicide and how to connect individuals in crisis with care.
Intervene to reduce suicidal thoughts and behaviors Promote timely access to assessment, intervention, and effective care
Support Reduce the prejudice and discrimination associated with suicidal behaviors Disseminate the national suicide prevention research agenda
The Lifesaver Certificate Say Something @ Temple - Bystander Intervention Kognito - Gatekeeper Training Brief Motivational Interviewing Training Safe Zone - Ally Training
How are we actually doing this?! 4-hour training sessions Offered as one session or two 2-hour sessions Individual organizations or mixed-group sessions offered Monthly check-in dinners and movie screenings Facilitated by departments who applied for the grant
Collaboration with Student Leaders Conflict Education Resource Team (CERT) Health Education Awareness Resource Team (HEART) Tuttleman Counseling Services Diamond Leaders Disability Resource Services Residential Hall Association Temple Student Government (TSG) Temple University Greek Association (TUGA) Student Athlete Advisory Committee Individual Hall Senates Student Veterans Association Institute on Disabilities Mentors (AAL) Select Student Organizations
Evaluating the program Student Leader Training Survey SAMHSA campus survey Kognito built-in feedback Evaluation Check-in dinners and movie screenings SS@T 3-month and 6-month follow up
Creation & Sustainability Grant funds: Videos Creation staff Schite Staff to maintain trainings Program eval. built into dept. plan
Goodies Scripts Mouse pads Lifesaver candies Video