Creative Writing 1 Day 15, January 24
BELL Writing the memoir was… Bell – Last chance reprieve – PUBLISH your memoir to figment now if it has not already been done. Go to your reading log --- complete the following and explain your answer: Writing the memoir was… Hand in your reading log when done.
Today, you will… CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.11-12.1 Write routinely for a range of tasks by Writing a variety of poems.
Poetry Unit Review poetry terminology. View and discuss poetic devices (exemplars). open ppt. – review the various poetic devices. read and complete worksheet for extra credit – the worksheet is due no later than Tuesday, January 28.
Poetry Unit Hand out unit parameters. deadline: February 7 – PUBLISH DATE
Rework Poem Reread. Are you satisfied? Publish to figment by Monday. Song into poetry. Use the song you identified as being symbolic of you and create an original poem. Minimum of 15 lines. No other rules apply other than it must incorporate at least three ‘snippets’ from the song, be about your, and focus on the like qualities between the two. Cite the song you use.