AVID Elective & Speech Communications Ms. Keri Van Cantfort, M. Ed. 6th, 7th & 8th Grade
I am a single mom to a bright, funny, and dramatic second grader. About me… I began my teaching career in 2000 teaching junior high school English. In 2015, I still enjoy what I do! I have a love for learning. My bachelor’s degree is in Education with an emphasis in English and speech. My masters degree is in Educational Administration. When I’m not at school, I work as a social media/events coordinator for Farmers Market at Imperial. I write daily, I blog, I schedule, and I’m there every Saturday! I am a single mom to a bright, funny, and dramatic second grader.
My philosophy about education, well… Maya Angelou says it best: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." --Maya Angelou
Syllabus, Tutorials, Conference, Contact Available at the sign in desk Tutorials: Monday 4:20pm-5pm, Thursday 8:20am- 8:50am Conference: 11:09-12:00, scheduled as needed Phone number: 281-327-8994 E-Mail: keri.vancantfort@fortbendisd.com
My Expectations… in AVID Elective I expect your child to be present and do their best. I am here to help them develop the skills they need to be organized, forward-thinkers. We cannot fix problems we do not acknowledge. Students need to be reflective. We will strongly utilize an AVID binder. It is necessary for students to work bell to bell and use every activity as an opportunity to better their skills. Work in class with 100% effort!
My Expectations… in Speech Elective I expect your student to be present and do their best. I am here to help them do well and become comfortable with themselves. Most projects and performances will be entirely rehearsed in class. I don’t usually give homework, but anything that is not done in a timely manner or anyone who is off task in- class, will be asked to complete their work outside of class. While this is a fun and generally laid back class, I do expect students to stay on task and when it’s time to work, it’s time to work. I look forward to a fun and exciting year!
Expectations of Academic Success * 07/16/96 Expectations of Academic Success Mastery of Learning Intentions Strive for A’s and B’s Higher level thinking skills Complete all classwork Establish immediate and future goals Ask for assistance, when needed Attend tutorials *
Classroom Expectations * 07/16/96 Classroom Expectations Students must: *Arrive on time *Treat everyone with respect *Be prepared for class *Follow directions 1st time given *No talking when the teacher is talking *Raise your hand for help *Keep classroom clean and organized (No food or drinks) *
Supplies Complete AVID Binder Paper (wide rule) Pens and pencils Teacher Wish List Markers Copy Paper Ink Cartridges
Grading Measured by: - Class Assignments -Homework Assignments * 07/16/96 Grading Measured by: - Class Assignments -Homework Assignments -Projects Late Work - First day late (-10 Points), second day (- 20),third day (-30), or teacher’s discretion to accept any work after the third day *
Please sign in Thank you so much for being here this evening. I am already so impressed with the students I have met this year. I promise to give them the tools they need, make them work, and ALWAYS treat them as if they were my own! --Ms. Van Cantfort