Mamta Naik PG1 School Based Training Unit leader pgce First Placement School Based Training Briefing for Class mentors Key slides 2017-2018 Mamta Naik PG1 School Based Training Unit leader
This presentation… Gives an overview of the key information which will be needed by class mentors to effectively support their student(s) on the PG1 SBT placement. It complements the Quiz Presentation…
Website and documentation – it’s all here…. http://www. mmu. ac
Placement is 14 weeks IN TOTAL LIST OF KEY DATES Window for UVT visit (in majority of cases). Liaise with UVT 5 week window : 13th Nov – 15th Dec Interim Report 7th teaching week of block placement w/b 4th December 2017 SEND/Inclusion Experience w/b 8th, 15th or 22nd January. (One week only) Final Report Final Week w/b 29th January 2018 14 weeks includes first ER&P week and excludes one week half term holiday.
Your entitlement…this slide was shared with the students at their briefing. It was also shared with CMs who attended the briefing so they could check in to see if their idea of the students’ entitlement was the same. An induction session to enable you to become familiar with the school and its ways of working A planned weekly meeting to review progress – recorded by you on the weekly review and reflection record Regular weekly focussed session observation and written feedback (RoLOs) Ongoing verbal feedback Fortnightly monitoring of your files, including checking lesson planning (more regularly) Dedicated and protected time (this is factored into your weekly breakdown) to complete PDAs (10%), File (10%), PPA (10%) and PD Time (varies as teaching percentage increases) An Interim Report completed by CM/PM A Final Report completed by CM/PM Phonics feedback on Phonics RoLO (on website and PG1 SBT Moodle area) Early mathematics feedback in professional training guide (booklet)
Key Features of PG1 SBT 2017-18 One PG1 University Visiting Tutor visit 50% teaching by interim review week. Paired placement guidance available on partnership website to help support structuring of TT and key roles Post-interim targets focus week - teaching reduces to 40% for one week ONLY after interim to focus on targets set at interim - through observations, team teaching, observing good practice etc. All Professional Development time that week to focus on the targets set 60% teaching for final 2 weeks only Dedicated weekly ‘Task’ (PDA) time of 10% - task(s) for following week to be identified at weekly meeting. Discussion of activities to be recorded on weekly review and reflection record at weekly meetings.. Maths booklet, EAL and Behaviour Portfolios. RI on track and RI needs support for interim of PG1. Students at RI on track do NOT need an RI pro forma (action plan) to be completed. RI needs support must have an action plan completed. UVT to email one week later to follow up on progress against targets. SEND Experience incorporated into PG1 (see slide 4 for dates).
Key changes to the placement for 2017-18 if you have been a PG1 CM before… Full details are available in the PG1 specific handbook. Contextual analysis completed as a practical exercise and used to set three key targets at first weekly R&R meeting with CM. Students will return to university for four days during placement – three days of teaching and one day post-interim for Personal Tutor meeting. SEND/Inclusion Experience takes place during the PG1 placement – 5 days only. One week or 5 days equivalent between 8th Jan & 26th Jan. Check if your student will be attending a specialist setting (organised by Man Met Uni) and on which dates. Some students will carry out their days in their PG1 school or at a specialist setting organised by their PG1 school. Full details in SEND Experience Guidance document Note the weekly breakdown in the handbook. This is to support you and the students with the expectations at each stage of the placement including the level of support students can expect to receive and when they are expected to become more independent. Early Reading and Phonics tasks - no booklet anymore. Students have downloaded guidance that they need to follow and they have had a specialist briefing on this. Class mentors should not be NQTs – they need that year to develop themselves. IF the CM is absent for more than three days and with no imminent return in sight, the university expects school to provide an alternative class mentor, especially as this is the first placement for the PGCE students.
Changes to documentation / key documentation SBT report – new with all standards separate and Part 2 RoLO – reflects the revised report Interim Grades & QA doc – only grades need to be shared with UVT at interim but report (streamlined version) must be completed and shared with student. Weekly reflection incorporated into weekly review and reflection record New SBT Action Plan format
Any final questions from you? Are you hosting a paired placement? We can discuss at the end and you can ask questions.