Dragon Quest By Ayana K. Begin
Choose your adventure Climb the mountain Walk through the forest
You have chosen to climb the mountain do you want to… Take a shortcut Go the long way
You have found a skunk… Try to kill it Run away
You took a shortcut and you ran into poison ivy : you died… Retry?
You have found a cave Go inside the cave Don’t go in it
You chose to save you coin… Do you want to look for more coins or do you want to play with the lion that you see in the distance?
You found a coin Collect coin
You died… When you tried to look for more coins you got caught in quick sand. Retry?
You died… The villager killed you after you didn’t trade with him. Retry?
You found a villager… Trade with him Nope save my coin
The skunk killed you Retry?
When you didn’t go into the cave you walked away and fell into a hole. You lose… When you didn’t go into the cave you walked away and fell into a hole. Retry?
Continue your journey else where… Do you want to go to the campfire you see nearby? Do you want to go to the waterfall?
You ran into a bear and died… Retry?
Trading options A diamond Special trade
Special trade options A baby dragon A piece of steak
The lion killed you Retry? You lose… The lion killed you Retry?
You won… You found a dragon and completed your quest. You can try other options to see what will happen. Begin again?
The steak was raw and you got food poisoning. Retry? You died… The steak was raw and you got food poisoning. Retry?
You died… You got caught on fire, because thought it was ‘cool brah’ so you touched it. Retry?
You died, because you didn’t know how to swim. Retry?