WBC-INCO.NET - MIRA Workshop Sarajevo, 5-6 November 2012 Initiatives to Support Innovation Policy in the WBCs - Presented by Alma Hasanović Ministry of Civil Affairs
Introduction Definition: Innovation, according to the definition provided by the Oslo Manual (OECD/Eurostat, 2005), consists in the implementation of a new or significantly improved product, a new process, a new marketing method or a new organisational method in business practices, workplace organisation or external relations. Innovation is a key driver of economic growth Innovation therefore goes beyond research and development and covers a broad range of activities that help firms become more productive and competitive.
Introduction WBCs preparing to join the EU Europe 2020 growth strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive economy 7 Flagship Initiatives: a) Innovation Union is an integrated innovation strategy built around 34 specific commitments based on a broad concept of innovation. - The Commission monitors the innovation performance of the MS by providing a comparative assesment
WBC Innovation Strategies In most of the WBCs, international cooperation agencies participated in the preparatory work for establishing an innovation strategy In the framework of the Regional Competitiveness Initiative, a comprehensive strategy has been designed for Macedonia Croatia and Kosovo – design is in the process throughout 2012
Key documents: Albania: - Ministry of Economy (2010), “Business Innovation and Technology Strategy. Ministry of Education and Science (June 2009), “National Strategy of Science, Technology and Innovation 2009-2015 Bosnia and Herzegovina: Ministry of Civil Affairs (2009), “Strategy for the Development of Science in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2010 – 2015).
Key documents: Montenegro: Directorate for Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (2010), “Strategy for development of small and medium sized enterprises 2011-2015” b) Ministry of Science (May 2008) “Strategy for Scientific Research Activities 2008-2016” Serbia: Ministry of Science and Technological Development (2009), “Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development 2010-2015”, Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, “Competitive and Innovative SME Development Strategy (2008 – 2013)”
Monitoring the innovation policies In most WBCs, assessments of the impact of the innovation strategies have been conducted, either by external auditors or by academia. Besides this external monitoring, governments in WBCs generally do not consistently monitor the implementation of innovation policies. Follow up procedures after the adoption of the strategy and the implementation of the action plan do not exist
Monitoring the innovation policies - The main external reports that have assessed the propensity of some WBCs to innovate are PRO INNO Europe, and the World Economic Forum. PRO INNO Europe is an initiative of Directorate General Enterprise and Industry and produces reports, such as the Inno-Policy Trendchart, the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) and the Innobarometer. PRO INNO Europe assesses the innovation performance within the EU, also WBC included in assessment – mini country reports produced at the end of 2011.
Monitoring the innovation policies The World Economic Forum ranks all countries by their competitiveness in its Global Competitiveness Index Includes innovation as part of the components of measuring competitiveness. These assessments highlight the general challenges met by countries national innovation systems.
WBC-INCO.NET Innovation activities WP8 – Innovation Support Selected activities: To provide an overview on WBC innovation systems and the key RTDI stakeholders of the region; To identify good practices of innovation activities, policies and instruments from EU MS/AC as well as from WCB that are suitable to be adapted to the needs of the region and to develop adaptation schemes; To identify policy measures to improve the framework conditions for innovation and then to define joint actions
Example of the innovation policy design Set up of specific agencies that encourage inter-institutional dialogue and help to: define the general direction of innovation policies revise the action plans annually and eventually monitor their implementation. In general, these institutions are directly attached to the lead ministry (Albania, Croatia, Kosovo and Serbia). In Croatia, a specific body\ the Government Body for Science and Technology Policy (SVEZNATE), gives directions, co-ordinates and provides government support. - It is headed by the Prime Minister and includes the ministers of Science, Economy, Finance, Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development, Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction and two members representing the R&D community.
Thank you for your attention Alma Hasanović Alma.Hasanovic@mcp.gov.ba