1-Edit> prefrence> new document> select HTML5 2018/7/6
select HTML5 2018/7/6
select CSS style > click all the shorcuts 2018/7/6
2- create a folder on the desktop for the website 3- select site >newsite 2018/7/6
4-write the name of the folder and the location of the folder>save 2018/7/6
5-file>new>HTML5>create 6-Disgner> classic 2018/7/6
Now steps of change the style 1- chage the title 2- create navigation 2018/7/6
2- create navigation after the body press enter 2- create navigation after the body press enter. select layout > insert div tag 2018/7/6
write on ID> Niv 2018/7/6
Format>list>unordered list 2018/7/6
For Navigation 2018/7/6
For Header 1- Select layout>div tag>ID:header 2018/7/6
Write Community colleage and insert logo for princess Nora university 2018/7/6
Insert the logo Select common>image 2018/7/6