Unwrap the world Maths: English: PSHCE/Values: RE: History: Geography:


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Presentation transcript:

Unwrap the world Maths: English: PSHCE/Values: RE: History: Geography: To Solve simple word problems using fractions To explain how problems were solved using mathematical vocabulary To know how to chart coordinates To use data handling – ICT, Geography, Science To know quarter past, quarter to , half past and o’clock times on the clock. English: Research using a variety of sources including Information texts To write non-chronological reports about countries from around the world. TO use a variety of organisational features To write letters to set up link with school in India PSHCE/Values: Respect Tolerance RE: How should Christians live their lives? To know that rules are a important part of our daily lives. To understand that within the home and family, Christianity encourages honesty, care and respect for others. Christians pray at home. To learn about Jesus’ teaching on relationships with family and friends. To know that Christians try to follow Jesus’ example in the way they treat others. History: To identify obvious differences between past and present To develop an awareness of time and a sense of past. My life then and no. My life so far. My family and school. Unwrap the world Geography: Global eye To identify the physical and human features of a place To identify land use To know that the world extends outside of their locality To recognise similarities and differences Globe/time differences/chosen country To know that there are time differences around the world To identify where places are To identify features of a place To learn about weather/seasonal changes To recognise features of places Science: To understand the importance of light and nutrients in the process of photosynthesis To identify how climate/habitat affects plant life Information and Processing: Observe, sort and classify Enquiry: Generate ideas. Raise questions. Deciding and evaluating: Critically reflect To identify different types of habitat that different animals are found in different habitats To observe the conditions in a local habitat and make a record of the animals found. That animals are suited to the environment in which they are found. ICT: To know that ICT can be used to select and control sounds. To use ICT to record sounds. To know that ICT can be used to organise and reorganise sounds. (Review Unit) To understand that text and graphics can be combined to communicate information. To combine graphics and text to communicate information To know that e-mail can be used to send messages over distances. To read e-mail. To read, annotate and reply to e-mail. To understand that e-mails are sent to addresses. To send an e-mail using an address. PE: Games To explore and use skills, actions and ideas individually and in combination to suit the game they are playing To be confident and safe in the spaces used to play games To be able to choose and use skills effectively for particular games To know that being active is good for them and fun To describe what they are doing To watch, copy and describe what others are doing Gymnastics To remember, repeat and link combinations of gymnastic actions, body shapes and balances with control and precision. To choose, use and vary simple compositional ideas in the sequences they create and perform. To recognize and describe what their bodies feel like during different types of activity. To lift, move and place equipment safely. To improve their work using information they have gained by watching, listening and investigating Dance Recognise the difference between moving, pausing and stopping Develop contrasts in body shapes Art/DT: Children to learn to paint in the style of.. Skills: mixing and matching colours through observation Becoming familiar to the language specific to painting Investigating different marks made by a range of tools Become familiar with the different language relating to construction Exploring a variety of mouldable material