Class Procedures General No Food. Water only, with cap on. NO other beverages in class. Trash can or parking lot. Raise your hand and wait to be called on. Don’t interrupt: Wait until a transition before sharpening pencils, asking for passes, etc. Ask permission to leave your seat. One person out of seat at a time, unless otherwise instructed. Use the back of the room to get around. Be considerate. Restroom passes = 6 total for all classes each quarter. No pass, no go. If tardy and not excused, sign in on Tardy board. 3rd Tardy = Detention
Turn-in Assignments Procedure (Whole class) Have work out on desk to be checked off before turn in. I will check off papers, but you will turn them in as a class. Papers are passed across to box – as you get the person in front of your paper: Check that they have MLA on paper Put YOUR paper on top of the stack. Last person in row passes the papers to the RIGHT Last person in the last row on the right will put the papers neatly in the turn in basket.
How To Enter The Classroom Enter quietly, modulate your energy level up or down Go directly to your seat Stop socializing as you walk into the room Hats off Promptly get out all supplies & homework due Have homework out on desk ready to be checked off. Begin warm up immediately after getting your supplies out. WTDWTYD is always silent reading. Must have a book in your bag every day in all classes.
Leaving the Class Health office – 3 B’s: Blood, Bones or Barf Permission Only I have ice, bandages, crackers, throat lozenges. Ask at appropriate times, unless emergency! No going to office to call home during class. Ask at appropriate time, you can call home from my phone at end of period. Counseling – by appointment only. Request form. Sign out sheet – fill out completely. Need a pass, bring pass BACK stamped with time. Sign out, and back in. Go only where you are given permission to go, and come back within time allotted.
End of the Period Check floor Straighten Desks Quietly wait for instruction Do not leave your desk Mrs. Rolph excuses the classroom, not the bell. You have already rocked these this year, folks. I’ve been very impressed with 2017-2018 manners!
Assignments Planners – graded quarterly. Required. Counts as classwork. Worth approx. 40-60 pts. each quarter (E.C.) Turning in papers: NEVER turn in a paper directly to Mrs. Rolph or to her desk areas! Turn papers into the turn-it in boxes. We file graded papers in student files, after I get them back from you. If paper is late, write LATE at the top before you turn it in. If you were absent, write ABSENT at top of paper. If it is a Refinement, write REFINEMENT at top of paper, & staple first attempt to new paper.
Assignments are due when the class turns them in Assignments are due when the class turns them in. If you finish it in class, awesome, but it is still late, gets late credit (D-). Neatness counts. Spiral notebook edges, rips, tears, scribbles are not ok. To make corrections, draw a line through once. No graffiti, doodles or artwork on your assignments. Put your name on all of your work. Again, no name papers will be thrown away. MLA format on all turned-in work unless otherwise stated.
Materials List Have EVERY DAY Book to Read (best if it is AR) Planner Composition book Binder or Folder in binder Pens or Pencils Binder Paper Options if you forget them: I have a FEW to sell at cost here for you. I don’t loan materials except during a test Check Detritus Can Ask a neighbor Planner – Make one by stapling paper together
Respecting Materials and Possessions Not ok to draw, write, scribble or scratch on anything in the classroom that doesn’t belong to you. Not ok to touch Mrs. Rolph’s things Use bookmarks for all books that aren’t your own Not ok to damage anything that isn’t yours, in the classroom or out of it. Be aware if you tend to fidget – no death by fidget. Please, tell me if you see any messes or graffiti.