Welcome to Period 2, English III!


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Period 2, English III! Closet Welcome to Period 2, English III! Please find your seat and begin working on your Name Tent. Cabinet Bookcase Computer Tables Aubrie Broach Dedric Huggins Jazmine Cotton TABLE 1 Kaleena Lambert Ashlyn Flowers Jamie Lawson TABLE 3 Nicholas Mitchell Lakeria McFadden Jessica Franco Luke McKenzie TABLE 5 Computer Tables TABLE 7 Computer Tables Door Dorian Owens Ty’Daija Peterson Hannah Schultz John Muldrow TABLE 2 Kelly Stephens Tyrese James Ryan Varnadore Khadijah Myers TABLE 4 Eddric Whack Chaney Brown Claudia Hernandez Skylar Young TABLE 6 Student Center Bookcase Teacher Desk Area Cabinet Stool White Board

Activating activity 08/16/2016 Student Surveys Please complete the Student Survey sheet that is at your table. When complete pass your paper to the student closest to the whiteboard with their back to the door. That student ONLY will place the completed surveys in the folder on the student table (to the left of the door) labeled ENGLISH III TURN IN. HOMEWORK !!! Write in your planner or make a reminder in your phone: Due Wednesday, 8/17/2016 Return signature page from syllabus Bring in all class supplies from syllabus Vocabulary Reminders – None

Agenda 8/16/2016 Activating Activity – Student Surveys Agenda LEQ & Objectives Classroom Expectations Habits of Mind Skill - Notes Review of Course Set Up & Daily Structure. Procedure Lesson & Notes Introduction to Unit 1 Summarizing Activity – Vocabulary Textbooks HOMEWORK !!! Write in your planner or make a reminder in your phone: Due Wednesday, 8/17/2016 Return signature page from syllabus Bring in all class supplies from syllabus Vocabulary Reminders – None Class is from 10:30 – 11:50

Essential Question(s) & Objectives Unit Essential Question: How can I be successful in English class this year? Lesson Essential Questions: What can I expect from English class this year? What is expected of me as a student in English class this year? What materials are required for English class? What do I have in common with my peers and teacher? Objectives Students will know: Students will be able to: The curriculum requirement/expectations of English class. The classroom behavior expectations of English class. Details they have in common with their peers and teacher. Introduce themselves to others and discuss information about themselves and others. Follow the laid out expectations of English class.

Classroom Expectations Every student WILL: Treat every person in the classroom with respect. Come to class prepared and with only the items needed for this class. Use appropriate language in the classroom. Listen quietly while others are talking to the class. Cooperate in class. Remain seated in their assigned seat unless told otherwise by the teacher. Respect the classroom and materials. Use equipment and materials properly. Follow all of the school policies and procedures. Every student WILL NOT: Have visible or use electronic devices in the classroom WITHOUT direction from teacher. Wear or have visible headphones, earbuds, or similar. Bring food, gum, or drinks (other than water) into the classroom. Wear hats, hoods, or other item on their head. Use swear words or other inappropriate language. Touch anything belonging to the teacher or classroom including the teacher’s desk, white boards, materials, etc, without prior permission from the teacher.

Habits of Mind

Habits of Mind

Habits of Mind

Habits of Mind

Procedure Notes In the MP1 section of your binder turn to the first clean sheet of paper and write the following on the title line: English III Classroom Procedures Procedures are different from Expectations. These are the routines that we will follow in order to run the classroom efficiently. Take notes on the procedures we will discuss as a bulleted list on your page. You may choose to copy every word, however you are only REQUIRED to copy the words in RED.

Binder Set-Up Your binder is required to be with you to every class. Open your dividers and insert 8 inside of your binder. Create the following labels for the divider tabs then insert the labels into the tabs in the exact order written below: Activating & Summarizing Activities Syllabus & Procedures Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Insert Notebook Paper into each section. As you complete papers they are to be put into your binder with the NEWEST papers in the front of each section.

Activating & Summarizing Set-Up It is important that you follow an organizational routine in your Activating & Summarizing section. You will write the date in the top left corner of the page before the daily entries. Your name and class period should be in the top right corner of the front of every page. You will identify what task you are working on – Activating Activity or Summarizing Activity. Your entry will be in complete sentences using proper grammar, capitalization, and punctuation. You must restate the question in your response. If you do not follow this procedure you will loose points! Name Period 2 08/27/2015 Activating Activity Your original response will be entered underneath the activity label. It must be neat and I need to be able to read what it says. Summarizing Activity Again, your original response will go underneath of the heading for the activity.

Entering the Classroom You will enter the classroom calmly & quietly. You will put away all electronic devices, ear buds/headphones, food, and anything not allowed or not required for class BEFORE entering the room. If you enter the room with any of the items above visible you can be marked tardy. You will take your assigned seat immediately. You will begin the Activating Activity that is on the board.

Passes You may not leave the room for any reason during the first 20 minutes of class OR the last 10 minutes of class. You MUST have your student agenda book with you in order to leave the room. Fill out then raise your agenda book in the air to indicate you would like a pass. If approved to leave the room you must sign out then back in on the Sign Out / Sign In sheet that is hanging near the door.

Pencil Sharpening & Other Out of Seat Items Students must remain in their assigned seats unless instructed otherwise by the teacher. If it is necessary to sharpen a pencil raise the pencil in the air and wait for permission. NEVER use the sharpener during teacher directed instruction. If you need the hole punch, to throw away trash, get a tissue, or anything else that requires you to be out of your seat you must wait until a break in instruction, a transition period, or the end of class.

Turning in Assignments Assignments will usually be passed to an assigned table mate. ONLY the assigned student will place assignments in the “turn in” folder. If you miss the collection time YOU MUST WAIT until the end of class or transition period to place your completed assignment in the “Turn-In” folder that is in the “in-box” for your class that is on the student table.

Absent Work Work will not be accepted for unexcused absences. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to request make-up work. Make up work is due by or before the 5th day following an absence. All assignments can be found on Google Classroom.

Backpacks remain on the floor. Dismissal You will remain in your ASSIGNED SEAT until the bell fully rings and the teacher indicates that is OK to dismiss. Backpacks remain on the floor. All classroom procedures and expectations remain in force.

Intro to Unit 1 The Puritan Influence In this unit we will analyze the rich history of the American colonists and how Puritanism took root in the New England area. We will explore how the Puritan belief system affected every aspect of daily life and how this founding faith influences American thought today. The literary genres focus on narratives, poetry, and sermons. We will compare and contrast the concepts presented in each work and respond in the form of informative-explanatory and argument products.

Summarizing activity 08/16/2016 Vocabulary Take out a sheet of notebook paper. Write your name, date, and class period in the top right corner of the page. Write: Unit 1 Vocabulary on the title line of the page. Skip one line. On the next line write the following headers: Word Denotation My Definition Example Under “Word” write down the following list: Peril, Habitation, Subject To, Adversity, Calamity Be certain to leave space between the words to complete each column. You will complete the column for each word for homework. HOMEWORK !!! Write in your planner or make a reminder in your phone: Due Wednesday, 8/17/2016 Return signature page from syllabus Bring in all class supplies from syllabus Complete Vocabulary Reminders – None