Literature work, study questions, & group work 11th Grade Language Arts Mrs. Prince 2017 ------- ------- 2018 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- communication with the teacher 1 2 Office Hours: At lunch or by appointment Class Website preparation class materials 1 2 3 Come prepared to class with your binder, planner, novels, writing utensils, & homework. Start working on bell ringers immediately so class can start within five minutes of the bell. This is when I take attendance Work should be turned in on its due date. Late work will lose points on a per-day-late basis. 3 ring binder ______ Pencils & Blue or Black pens ___ ______ College-ruled lined paper grades responsibility Weekly and daily work will be updated weekly (bell ringers, participation, and quizzes). Please check grades regularly and feel free to ask me any questions that you might have about a particular grade. If you are absent, you are responsible for completing your make-up work (one day for make-up for each day absent). This can be done before or after school or via e-mail. 40% 30% 30% Reading Response Essays Projects Tests Literature work, study questions, & group work Class Assignments, Tests & Quizzes Grammar & Conventions
food and drink policy policy for absences & grades Classwork and assignments will be updated weekly (bell ringers, participation, and quizzes). Please check grades regularly and feel free to ask me any questions that you might have about a particular grade. If you are absent, you are responsible for completing your make-up work (one day for make-up for each day absent). Please check the class website ( for any work that you missed. All worksheets will be placed in a file labeled 11th grade located at the back of the classroom. It is your responsibility to ask for help on making up any assignments, and/or to meet with me to make up any tests, quizzes or papers. If you know you will miss a future class, communication beforehand is a great life skill to practice so that we can work together to keep you up-to-date. Please try to give me, at minimum, a weeks notice. This can be done before school, at lunch, or via e-mail. Feel free to bring water bottles to class. Avoid bringing food to class. assignment formatting All typed assignments must be in 12 PT TIMES NEW ROMAN FONT, double-spaced, and have 1” margins with your name, my name, class period, and date in the top left- hand corner with a centered title. Mrs. Prince will assign each student the computer to be used in her classroom for students to use to type and research. Homework & late work electronic devices A key to school success is completing homework and class work on time and with a high level of quality. Work not completed, or not turned in on time, becomes a burden to the student and affects the student’s attitude toward school. All students should complete on time any projects, homework, or assignments without being constantly reminded. The student can hand in late assignments, except for long-term assignments/projects, up to one week after the due date. Electronic devices should be kept in students backpacks at ALL TIMES. Devices should not be out during class, unless otherwise instructed by the teacher or with permission. First offense: Student will turn the phone into the teacher until the end of class. However, the best grade they can receive will be 70% of the original points possible. Depending on the student’s circumstances, contracts for late work can be discussed with the teacher. Any assignment over a week late will ONLY receive 1/2 credit. Second offense: The device goes to the office and I contact home. Cell phones are extremely annoying, and I really do not want to spend my time or energy policing this issue.
JUST RETURN THIS PORTION PLEASE. A Student Must 1 BE ON TIME!! When the tardy bell rings, you must be in your assigned seat, quietly working on your warm-up for the day. Tardiness will not be tolerated. 2 BE PREPARED!! You must always bring your required materials to class (pen, class folder, and completed/stapled homework. No spiral paper accepted. All papers that you hand in MUST have the following heading in the upper left-hand corner: Your First & Last Name Mrs. Prince Period # Date Title of Assignment Staple multiple sheets in the upper left hand corner. Do Not fold the corners or use paper clips. 3 BE POLITE!! Respect will be demanded in room J28 towards the teacher, as well as, your peers. Students are expected to be attentive toward whoever is speaking, respect school property and the property of others, and avoid outburst or other distractions such as sleeping and working on homework for other classes. **If a student misbehaves for a substitute teacher, he/she will instantly have a referral written and a visit to the office. ** Quiet Time must be respected. Be quiet and work during writing/testing times. What about leaving the classroom? (bathroom, etc.) Honesty Dishonesty of any kind, including, but not limited to, plagiarism, copying another’s work, unauthorized sharing of course material, is NOT TOLERATED. Consequences include a referral to the administration and a possible drop/fail for the class. Raise your hand and let me know where you need to go. Return to the class as soon as you are finished. If you feel distracted, ask the teacher for help rather than becoming a distraction to others. Number 1 Rule: Nobody is allowed to take away from others’ educations.. JUST RETURN THIS PORTION PLEASE. Churchill High School encourages parental involvement and comments. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me at "Si necesita más información en Español sobre esta clase, por favor comuníquese con Marcos Alvardo 541-790-5151 o por correo electrónico" My student’s name is (please print): _________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________ Email: _____________________________ Student Signature: _______________________________________________ Class period: ______________________ Tests & Quizzes Reading Response