Determination of Topics and Tabulations for National Census Central Statistics Organization Afghanistan United Nations Workshop for South Asian Countries on Collection and Dissemination of Socio-economic Data from Population and Housing Censuses New Delhi, India 28 – 31 May 2012 SAYED ALI AQA HASHIMI
Introduction: Census in Afghanistan The last Population Census in Afghanistan was in 1979- but not completed due to security problem; only 67% of the districts were covered; Bonn Agreement(2001): it was mentioned that a population census should be undertaken as Census in a post-conflict country is very important; The Afghanistan Population and Housing Census (APHC) was planned for Aug 2008; As part of its preparation, a household listing was carried out in 2003-2005
Introduction: Census in Afghanistan APHC was cancelled by the Government due to security problem; In view of the increasing demand for data, a plan was prepared for a provincial census approach. This methodology was appropriate for Afghanistan where security situation does not allow for a traditional nationwide simultaneous population census. The method was also endorsed by census experts, where a meeting was held in Istanbul – Turkey.
Introduction: Census in Afghanistan The plan was presented to the National Census Committee (NCC) and National Statistical Committee(NSC) in July 2011 but did not approve the said plan due to problematic security situation. As an alternative, to respond to the increasing demand for data and to monitor the progress of Afghanistan National Development strategy (ANDS), a provincial Socio- Demographic and Economic Survey (SDES) was started. The SDES is planned to be rolled out starting 2011 until 2014.
Introduction: Census in Afghanistan It started in Bamiyan in 2011, and in Ghor and Daikundi in 2012. Other provinces will soon be scheduled. SDES covers indicators on age, sex, migration, education, literacy, functional difficulty, employment, fertility, mortality, and housing characteristics
Determination of Topics and Tabulations for Afghanistan Population & Housing Census
Strategies implemented in the Determination of Topics and Tabulations The list of topics for inclusion in the census questionnaire was: First drafted by CSO Reviewed by the International Census Advisory Board Reviewed by ministries Approved by the National Census Committee The SDES used the same questionnaire finalized for the census
Strategies implemented in the Determination of Topics and Tabulations Tables were identified based on: Needs of users – ministries, stakeholders, and other users Previous CSO tabulations for comparison purposes Tabulations recommended as indicated in the Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses Emerging topics
List of Tables Group 1: Tabulation dealing with geographical and internal migration characteristics Group 2: Tabulation dealing with household and housing characteristics Group 3: Tabulations dealing with demographic and social characteristics Group 4: Tabulation dealing with fertility and mortality Group 5: Tabulations dealing with educational characteristics Group 6: Tabulations dealing with economic characteristics Group 7: Tabulations dealing with international migration on immigrant stock Group 8: Tabulations dealing with functional disability
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