Work Scrutiny Charlton Park Academy November 2016
Why do it? evaluate learning and progress, standards of attainment, attitudes to work, typicality of teaching across the school, curriculum coverage, adherence to school policies, such as marking and feedback. identify the detail of the strengths and weaknesses on a specific area of the school’s provision. evaluate the impact of the actions taken by the school to improve an identified area of weakness and identify the next steps to secure further improvement
Rationale At Charlton Park Academy (CPA) the monitoring of student’s work is a fundamental component, alongside marking and feedback, data assessment, student conferencing and lesson observation. All of this contributes to making judgements on the overall quality of teaching, learning and assessment. Do Ofsted do work scrutiny?
Ofsted have stipulated that inspectors will spend time on work scrutiny and pay particular attention to: Students’ effort and success in completing their work, both in and outside lessons, so that they can progress and enjoy learning across the curriculum. How students’ knowledge, understanding and skills have developed and improved. The level of challenge and whether students have to grapple appropriately with content, not necessarily ‘getting it right’ first time, which could be evidence that the work is too easy. How well teachers’ feedback, written and oral, is used by students to improve their knowledge, understanding and skills.
Teacher Standards – How many standards can be evidenced? 1. “set goals that stretch and challenge pupils of all backgrounds, abilities and dispositions” 2. “be accountable for pupils’ attainment, progress and outcomes, be aware of pupils’ capabilities and their prior knowledge, and plan teaching to build on these. Guide pupils to reflect on the progress they have made and their emerging needs” 3. “have a secure knowledge of the relevant subject(s) and curriculum areas, foster and maintain pupils’ interest in the subject, and address misunderstandings” 4. “reflect systematically on the effectiveness of lessons and approaches to teaching” 5. “know when and how to differentiate appropriately, using approaches which enable pupils to be taught effectively” 6. “give pupils regular feedback, both orally and through accurate marking, and encourage pupils to respond to the feedback”. 7. “manage classes effectively, using approaches which are appropriate to pupils’ needs in order to involve and motivate them” 8. “deploy support staff effectively.
How do I conduct a work scrutiny? In order to complete and effective work scrutiny there needs to be a focus. The chosen focus will link to an identified priority in the school development plan. The current focus for CPA is: “Work is differentiated to meet all students’ needs and that an appropriate level of challenge has been set.”
Work scrutiny will be conducted once every term Method. Work scrutiny will be conducted once every term All subjects across the curriculum will be scrutinised. The sample will include planning, workbooks or other recording for three students of differing ability. For example, a low, middle and high ability student from each cohort All scrutineers will use the CPA work scrutiny proforma Key stage leaders will produce a termly summary report. An external report will be produced after the Autumn term scrutiny. All staff will receive feedback at the beginning of the next term on strengths and areas for development from the Key stage leaders. All documentation will be recorded and used for performance management and evidence of meeting the Teaching Standards.
The Work scrutiny proforma The focus section on the proforma is divided into four sections. These are not stand alone. Level of challenge and progression Differentiation (3 Levels) Progress of Pupil Premium and LAC Marking and feedback
Sections: Solar levels for Literacy. - Does the work match their literacy level? Evidence? Planning. - Scrutinise the long term, medium term and short term planning since the beginning of term. Does the work presented match the work planned if not what is the explanation? Evidence? Differentiation - Is the work differentiated to meet the level of the student and is it suitably challenging? Evidence? Progress - Is there clear evidence of progression? Evidence? Pupil Premium/Looked After – Are PP and LAC students being monitored, their needs considered and are they making progress? Evidence? Marking and Feedback - Consistently marked, feedback useful to support student learning and next steps used well to ensure progress? Is the teacher following the CPA policy and marking code? 7. Independent Learning - Are the students working as independently as possible? How is this evidenced in the planning and work?
Activity – “Getting ready” Working in Pairs discuss your “to do list”. Use a current piece of your own students work and make notes on the proforma? Identify next steps Scrutiny to be completed by 25 November 2016 Thank You Ray O’ Neill (Education Consultant)