Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) Mission Particles and Fields Package Pre-Environmental Review May 22 -23, 2012 05 – Safety & Mission Assurance Jorg Fischer, SMA Manger
PER-S&MA PER-S&MA-1: All discrepancies (non-conformances, anomalies, failures, cannot duplicate's, etc.) have been reviewed for acceptable closure and justify proceeding to subsequent activities. Any items requiring special attention or monitoring have been identified and appropriate action is planned. - PFR/NCR, Hazards, etc
Safety PER-S&MA-2: Required safety documentation is complete with updates properly scheduled for timely completion. - Safety Plan, Safety Assessment Report PER-S&MA-3: Operations Hazard Analysis has been performed and approved. Hazards and control methods have been defined and approved. Verification of controls is on track. Procedures have been reviewed and approved ensuring adequate control of hazards. PER-S&MA-4: Safety and Mission Assurance (S&MA) interaction with the test facilities has been initiated. Met Lab (EMC) NTS Lab (Acoustics) Quanta Lab (Vibe) QA Surveys are on file
PER-S&MA-5 All reliability analyses have been updated as appropriate. Parts Stress Analyses available on the server Derating Analysis performed per Parts Derating Workbook
PER-S&MA PER-S&MA-6: Quality Assurance planning for all subsequent activities is complete and approved. PER-S&MA-7: Contamination control plans and required equipment are in place and compliant with requirements. Planetary Protection. - Jeremy McCauley PER-S&MA-9: All waivers generated to date have been identified and approved or expect to be approved. - Waivers, Deviations Documents on file - All Approved by Project CCB, 3 exceptions The gold rule waivers were discussed at CDR Potential gold rule waiver pending: 1000 operational hours at launch; some subsystems may not reach this. We are working with S/C team to maximize run time.
SMA - PER-S&MA-8 All Electrical, Electronic and Electromechanical (EEE) parts and materials related acceptance screening Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP) alert processing and qualification tests are successfully completed or associated risks have been properly identified. Includes Alert memorandums, emails, etc. All related docs received from GSFC All data scanned and shown in the EEE parts db Closed loop Alert reporting system
SMA - PER-S&MA-8 Alerts and GIDEP Reports No Alert impacts at this time MAVEN receives Monthly Alerts from GSFC 288 Alerts received, 288 Alerts closed, 3 Impact – 3 impact closed List of GIDEP/ Alert impact items 051910 email from Oscar - Added a note to PWB requirements that “The use of brominated polyimide is unacceptable.” RS2-P-11-01: MAVEN boards use the PN JANTXV1N5711UR-1. UCB SSL believes that we have not incurred ESD risks on the Microsemi diodes that have been re-classified as ESD Class. KE1-P-11-02: SOTA resistors LDC 8931 to 1107, have been identified with metallizations voids. None of the GIDEP referenced date codes or lot numbers were used. ACI has instructions to measure values before installation. 30X inspections.
Problem Reports PFR/NCR 37 Non-conformance Reports Items requiring rework but not repair. Record these on PFR forms Almost all closed or in the process of closing 17 PFRs requiring MRB Items requiring repairs such as white wires, but not associated with test failures, such as corrections to layout mistakes 3 closed; most of the rest have had MRB but work not complete 3 PFRs requiring FRB Items resulting from failures discovered in tests, typically resulting in damage to the item under test. None closed
PFR List
PFRs Requiring FRB PFR024, SWEA Intermittent PFR032 SWEA Damaged See evidence of high voltage transients in vacuum 2-3 days after start of pump-down. No damage. Tracked down to air bubbles in staking material used on anode board near high voltage components FRB held Anode replaced with spare Ready to close PFR032 SWEA Damaged Major high voltage event caused by inadvertently leaving instrument powered on (including one section of high voltage) during pump-down. Damage to a number of parts. Analysis also indicates potential stress to other parts. All damaged and stressed parts replaced and re-tested
PFRs Requiring FRB cont. PFR052, REG FM1 Actuator Reversed Actuator power in REG board reversed Connector miss-wired Test procedure does not include continuity check of power lines to active components Power supply current-limit at 2A for ~2 seconds 5 parts identified by analysis and test as potentially damaged FRB held 5/8, but PFR open pending fix, testing
SMA Safety - Calibration Safety – MAVEN PF QA 005B SafetyPlan No safety issues at this time No hazardous ground operations UC Berkeley’s EH&S checked test areas Portable, calibrated Oxygen sensors are available for N2 purge Test Plan Walk-through Calibration Control All Tools need for testing are in calibration Calibration Database 485 item are tracked for MAVEN
SMA ESD & Training ESD Control Training ESD Workbenches are clearly Identified ESD Workbenches are independently certified (RMV Technology) ESD Control plan per ANSI/ESD S20.20 in place (SSL_QA_0003) Internal ESD checks per plan All EFW personnel ESD trained and certified to ANSI/ESD S20.20 Training All personnel ESD trained and certified to ANSI/ESD S20.20 Technicians are trained and certified to NASA Workmanship Standards
SMA CM - Traceability Configuration Control Traceability Configuration Control Matrix Latest version of documents and procedures are on the EFW server, controlled by SE Traceability All EEE parts approved All Materials Approved PMPCB process POs and As-Kitted, As-built parts list on file EFW Parts data base Limited Life Items List presented at CDR MAVEN_PF_QA_008
SMA NCC - Shipping Nonconformance Control Shipping Control Proven, in-place PFR Process (STEREO, RHESSI, THEMIS) MRB/FRB part of this process PFR – Rework/Repair forms All PFRs closed or in closing process. PFRs on UCB server PFRs are part of the SSL Lessons Learned Process Shipping Control Shipping controls in-place MAVEN_PF_SYS_040 CDRL, delivered, approved
SMA - Schedule Summary Reviews: Package: PFP PER 5/22/2012 - 5/24/2012 Build 3 Operational FSW ATRR late September 2012 Build 3 Operational FSW ATR early October 2012 PFP Pre-Ship Review PSR 10/30/2012 Instrument Delivery to LM 11/13/2012 Package: Package Integration 5/18/2012 – 7/6/2012 Package EMC at MetLabs 7/16/2012 – 7/27/2012 Post environment CPT late October 2012 PFP Delivery to LM 11/13/2012 Pre-Environmental Calibration, LASP 5/4/2012 -5/18/2012 EMI/EMC test , Ball Aerospace 5/28/2012 -6/1/2012 Vibration Test, Ball Aerospace 6/4/2012 – 6/8/2012 TVAC Test, LASP 6/18/2012 -7/6/2012 Final Calibration, LASP 7/16/2012 -9/14/2012
SMA - Schedule Summary Instruments: MAG delivery to SSL 5/20/2012 EUV delivery to SSL 5/18/2012 LPW CPT 4/23/2012 – 5/7/2012 LPW Calibrations at 5/7/2012-5/18/2012 SWEA Preliminary Calibration 4/25/2012 – 5/11/2012 SWEA Final assembly 6/6/2012 SWEA Final Calibrations 6/8/2012-6/14/2012 SWEA Vibration at Quanta Labs 7/30/2012-8/3/2012 SWEA Thermal Vac 8/9/2012-8/22/2012 SWIA Preliminary Calibration 4/25/2012 – 5/7/2012 SWIA Final Assembly 5/31/2012 SWIA Final Calibration 6/1/2012-6/8/2012 SWIA Vibration at Quanta Labs 7/30/2012-8/3/2012 SWIA Thermal Vac 8/9/2012-8/22/2012
SMA - Schedule Summary Instruments: STATIC electronics assemble/test 2/14/2012 – 5/18/2012 STATIC Preliminary Calibration 6/12/2012 – 6/25/2012 STATIC Final Calibration 7/30/2012 - 8/24/2012 STATIC Vibration at Quanta Labs 8/27/2012 – 8/31/2012 STATIC Acoustics at NTS Labs 8/27/2012 – 8/31/2012 STATIC Thermal Vac 9/72012 – 9/27/2012 SEP integration and test 5/9/2012 – 5/25/2012 SEP Calibration 7/30/2012 – 8/3/2012 SEP Vibration @ Quanta 8/13/2012 – 8/17/2012 SEP Thermal Vac 8/22/2012 – 9/5/2012 PFDPU Vibration @ Quanta 8/7/2012 – 8/10/2012 PFDPU + MAG sensor thermal vac 8/13/2012 – 8/24/2012 Note: All dates are estimates and TTB
SMA Support Experienced Personnel provide oversight and technical support across all elements of the EFW Project Mission Assurance Requirements are well defined and comprehensive. These are traditional requirements for SSL Missions and they are understood. Systems with experienced personnel are in place and operating. The Mission Assurance team is ready to support the MAVEN Environmental Tests and shipping of the instrument
SMA This page intentionally almost blank
SMA – PFP Hazard Matrix
SMA – PFP Hazard List