ECA Support to African Countries in Census-Taking UN Regional Workshop on the 2020 World Programme on Population and Housing Censuses : International Standards & Contemporary Technologies ECA Support to African Countries in Census-Taking United Nations Economic Commission for Africa ___________________ Geoinformation & Spatial Statistics Andre Nonguierma United Nations Regional Workshop on the 2020 World Programme p Dar-es-Salam, Tanzania 12 April 2017
National Development Plan The Policy Drivers : Global Need for Spatially-Enabled Complex Information Clear articulation of vision, goals and aspirations. Impetus to align, build capacity. Recognised the need for quality statistical and locational management of data Agenda 2063 The Africa We Want 2020 Round of Censuses UN Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses, Rev.3, “… to ensure complete integration of statistical and geospatial information…” (para. 349, UNSD, 2015) National Development Plan
Background 2017 2015 35th ECOSOC 2015 35th ECOSOC 2012 43rd UNSC 2012 Implemention of 2020 World Population and Housing Census Programme is running 2015 35th ECOSOC Request to develop statistical standards, methods and guidelines and to monitor the implementation of the 2020 Programme 2015 35th ECOSOC Adoption of the resolution on the 2020 World Population and Housing Census Programme 2012 43rd UNSC Resolution to prepare a 2020 World Population and Housing Census Programme 2012 43rd UNSC Resolution to prepare a Report on the implementation of the 2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme 2005 Approval and adoption of the 2010 World Population and Housing Census Programme
Preparations for the 2020 World Population and Housing Census Programme: Phased Approach…. Africa Census Coordinating Committee Regional Centres of Excellence Principles and Recommendations Development Account Project Work Plan for 2016 – 2020 July 2016 October 2016 July 2016 Nov. 2015 Nov. 2015 Meeting to revise the Principles and Recommendations of Population and Housing Censuses Expected Accomplishments Strengthened national capacity in target countries to conduct population and housing censuses by using electronic devices Fostering the implementing process of the 2020 Africa Programme. ECA, AfDB and UNFPA to align the Programme in their 2016 and other upcoming plans The ACCC comprise ECA, AfDB, UNFPA and Census offices of 6 to 8 countries representing the. The ToRs of the ACCC have been drafted by ECA, AfDB, UNFPA and ASSD. Circulated for comments Resolution ogh the 11th ASSD to establish "Reference Centres in Censuses with Electronic Data Collection in Africa" MoU signed between NSOs of Cabo Verde, Sierra Leone, Cote d’Ivoire, South Africa and Brazil and UNFPA in New York
2020 Round of Censuses : Census Taking By Year .
2020 Round of Censuses : African Countries Preparedness Census Committees Strategic Plan Documents Methodologies & Procedures 22% 28% 24%
2020 Round of Censuses : African Countries Preparedness Legal Framework Communication Strategy Funds Raising Strategy 24% 7% 20%
2020 Round of Censuses : African Countries Preparedness CAPI GIS GPS 57% 67%
2020 Round of Censuses : African Countries Preparedness Satellite Imagery Aerial Photograph Usefulness of Geospatial 65% 37% In all stages of Census Process
Clearinghouse of Statistical and Geospatial Databases Purpose-oriented datasets Fundamental data themes and datasets SDG Indicators Statistical Data Metadata Clearinghouses
The Global Statistical Geospatial Framework Integration of Statistical and Geospatial Information Overarching Principles Principle 5 (Analysis, policy impact) Demand for small geography data. More frequent data. Policy impact Principle 4 (Technical standards, data sharing) ISO Standards OGC Standards Statistics Principles Principle 3 (Output geographies ) Standard geographic administrative boundaries (province, municipality, etc.). Tips: High-level framework Not a one-size-fits-all Start anywhere Principle 2 (Unique identifiers) No PIN. Link mainly through the geography. Geography not always standardised. Principle 1 (NSDI, Seamless integration) Policies More institutional Political leadership and support
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