Steam Games Data (Sales and users) By: Tian Mao
steam Steam was created in 2003 as the platform for Counter-strike Written in: C++(PC), Java(Android), support 28 languages World’s biggest PC game platform(75% of pc games)
Top 10 games rank by estimate revenue Game Name Type New owner Est. revenue Sid Meier's Civilization VI Turn-based strategy 1,529,898 $78,913,020 Grand Theft Auto V TPS, Action-adventure 2,308,366 $73,632,680 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive FPS 6,733,576 $67,192,990 DARK SOULS III Action role-playing 1,335,722 $63,630,874 DOOM(Doom 4) 1,608,681 $55,433,183 Rise of the Tomb Raider Action-adventure 1,303,957 $54,898,279 Total War: WARHAMMER 1,042,843 $54,792,482 XCOM 2 Turn-based tactics 1,102,603 $51,479,482 Tom Clancy's The Division Massively multiplayer online game 1,100,449 $49,093,877 No Man's Sky Action-adventure, survival 823,363 $43,274,942 Mean: $59234180.9 Standard Deviation: 11293468.02893
Top 12 games rank by actual players Player NO. Game Name Type Price Player (Launched In 2 weeks) 1 Dota 2 MOBA Free 10,342,927 ±93,791 2 Counter - Strike: Global Offensive FPS $14.99 9,013,697 ±87,717 3 Team Fortress 2 1,969,373 ±41,395 4 Grand Theft Auto V TPS, Action-adventure $59.99 1,926,377 ±40,943 5 Rocket League Sports $19.99 1,514,938 ±36,329 6 Garry's Mod Sandbox $9.99 1,446,555 ±35,503 7 Paladins 1,441,066 ±35,435 8 Unturned Survival, FPS, TPS, Zombies 1,165,249 ±31,876 9 Left 4 Dead 2 FPS, Survival horror 983,658 ±29,294 10 H1Z1: King of the kill Survival 933,800 ±28,544 11 Sid Meier's Civilization V Turn-based strategy $29.99 756,783 ±25,703 12 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Action role-playing 744,661 ±25,496 Mean: 2686590 Standard Deviation: 3302724.22595
TOP 5 GAMES sort by Z-score (est.revenue) 1. Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Z-SCORE: 1.7425 2. Grand Auto Theft V Z-SCORE: 1.2749 3. Counter-Strike Global Offensive Z-SCORE: 0.7047 4. DARK SOULS III Z-SCORE: 0.3893 5. DOOM (Doom 4) Z-SCORE: -0.3366
Factors affect the data The release date of the Game The company made the Game The quality of the Game The advertisement of the Game The type of the Game The price of the Game
Z-SCORE RANKING Players always know the best Players are the best advertisement for the game People would pay for a game no matter how expansive it is, since the game is impressive. The best seller, especially for games, are always the best game in that type.
Q1: IF A COMPANY WANT TO INVEST A GAME WHICH THE ACTUAl PLAYER IS ABOVE 2,000,000, WHICH IS THE PERCENTAGE of the games have more then 2,000,000 players in past 2 weeks? Z-SCORE: -0.2079 The area of Z-Score appear above -0.2079 is 0.5823 which is 58.23% So there are 58.23% of games have more then 2,000,00 players in past 2 weeks
Q2: When it comes to the revenue of the games, Gabe Newell want to know what is the percentage that A game earn more then the mean according to the chart Game Name Type New owner Est. revenue Sid Meier's Civilization VI Turn-based strategy 1,529,898 $78,913,020 Grand Theft Auto V TPS, Action-adventure 2,308,366 $73,632,680 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive FPS 6,733,576 $67,192,990 DARK SOULS III Action role-playing 1,335,722 $63,630,874 DOOM(Doom 4) 1,608,681 $55,433,183 Rise of the Tomb Raider Action-adventure 1,303,957 $54,898,279 Total War: WARHAMMER 1,042,843 $54,792,482 XCOM 2 Turn-based tactics 1,102,603 $51,479,482 Tom Clancy's The Division Massively multiplayer online game 1,100,449 $49,093,877 No Man's Sky Action-adventure, survival 823,363 $43,274,942 Mean: $59234180.9 4 games earn more then the mean 4/10 = 40%
Q3:A game Company want to research the percentage of the games on STEAM have the revenue below $65,432,100 For this graph, Z-score is 0.5488 The shaded area is 0.7084 which is 70.84%
SOURCES Image: Sites: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.