Product Support Group Kickoff Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Product Support Group Kickoff Meeting 23 March 2009 Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization Standards Activity Committee (SAC)

SISO Product Types Balloted Products Non-balloted Products Standards Guidance Non-balloted Products Reference Administrative

SISO Operating Principles Responsiveness and Responsibility SISO shall be responsive to the communities it serves. SISO shall be responsible for providing products and services that promote interoperability and reuse with the least possible impact on existing applications. Quality SISO activities and resulting products shall reflect technical excellence and the highest quality work. Discipline SISO shall exercise due process in all activities. Policies and procedures shall be publicly available and shall serve as the basis for governing the organization and its activities. SISO standards development processes shall have a balance of interests and shall not be dominated by any single interest category Fairness SISO activities shall provide the right of appeal at all levels. Openness SISO activities shall be carried out in an open forum where any person has access to the process. Consensus SISO decisions shall be based on simple majority agreement unless explicitly stated otherwise. Votes and ballots can be conducted in person, by teleconference, or by electronic balloting, as appropriate.

SISO Technical Acceptance Principles Relevant SISO Products will be relevant to the Modeling and Simulation Community. Substantive SISO Products shall provide meaningful information and/or results. Timely SISO Products will be produced in an efficient manner to ensure that the product is useful to the community. Community Review & Acceptance SISO Products will be reviewed by the technical community to which the product applies. This may be a narrow niche or the community broadly defined.

SISO Balloted Product Principles Generality Standards Products shall be as general as possible, while still maintaining usefulness, to support the broadest community of current and future users. Stability Standards Products shall be established and changed only as necessary. They shall be prototyped and tested before being proposed for adoption to demonstrate their maturity. Supportability Standards Products shall maintain the integrity of the existing product suite and the needs of the user.

Balloted Products Development and Support Process (BPDSP) BPDSP provides direction on the support of SISO balloted products; does not cover non-balloted products Builds on SISO Policies & Procedures Provides specific SAC guidance Is a comprehensive document PSG guidance based on concepts developed by DIS SSG PSG guidance developed by SAC to balance formalism and flexibility BPDSP is currently drafted and under review by SAC Every PSG does not have to “reinvent” the process

Six Step Process You Are Here

PSG TOR Summary <TAD to insert summary of tasks from TOR>

Step 5 : Interpretation, Distribution and Configuration Management Responsibility of SAC and Product Support Group Establish and maintain a process to respond to questions concerning the language used in the standard, the intention or result meant by a particular action, or an explanation of the reasons behind what the standard says. Establish and maintain a Help Desk function using the SISO provided discussion board to answer questions and provide support to the community. Establish and maintain a Problem/Change Request process to collect problems and change requests from the community. Conduct analysis and refinement of submitted problems and change requests. When the PSG is operating in parallel with a PDG developing a revision to a product, forward refined PCRs to the PDG for use in revision development. Maintain liaison with related Conference Forums, related PDGs, related PSGs, and related SGs. Identify, create, and maintain SISO reference products relating to the balloted products being supported. Identify and create Product Nominations for additional parts or supplements.

Step 6 : Periodic Review Conduct Periodic Reviews Determine course of action for SISO Product(s) Reaffirm Revise Withdraw

PSG Organization Chair Vice-Chair Secretary Technical Area Director Member Be registered on the PDG reflector PDG may establish additional membership requirements with approval from the SAC All PDG members shall maintain SISO membership.

PSG Chair Elected by popular vote (simple majority) Primary oversight for product development and other activities Plans and conducts meetings Ensures voting rules upheld Appoints members to subgroups Coordinates meetings, votes, and mediates disagreements Must be a SISO member

PSG Vice Chair Elected by popular vote (simple majority) Assists the Chair Conducts meetings in absence of chair Assumes role of Chair if Chair yields to take a stand on an issue Must be a SISO member

PSG Secretary Elected by popular vote (simple majority) Documents the activities of the PDG Conducts meetings when neither the Chair or Vice Chair are able to attend Compiles minutes at face-to-face and teleconferences Summarizes discussions for electronic votes Must be a SISO member

PSG Technical Area Director SAC Representative on the PSG Monitors PSG activities Meet SISO Policy Meet product support requirements Meet SAC directives Liaison between SAC and the PSG Proponent of the PSG to SAC Appointed by the SAC If you observe behavior you believe is not consistent with the SISO P&P or BPDSP, don’t stay silent! Raise an objection. Notify the TAD.

PSG Meetings Accessible to all SISO members Agenda published and approved Chair shall use Robert’s Rules of Order Attendees may approve informal style PSGs encouraged to make maximum use of teleconference and reflector meetings Face-to-Face Announced at least 30 days in advance Teleconference Announced at least 5 days in advance Reflector Start date/time and End date/time specified

* Abstentions do not count as votes PSG Voting Rules - 1 Applies to general PSG business and comment resolution Face-to-face and teleconference Voting Minimum of a five-person quorum required to conduct a vote All PSG members present are eligible to vote PSGs with restrictive memberships (additional qualifications to the ones listed in BPDSP) may establish a quorum requirement (with SAC approval) based on a percentage of members 67% of members present must vote* 75% consensus of members present who vote* required to approve a motion If a 75% consensus cannot be reached, the issue is moved to an electronic vote. * Abstentions do not count as votes

PSG Voting Rules - 2 Electronic Vote PSG Chair may require an electronic vote on any issue PSG Secretary posts a summary of the related discussion on the PSG reflector Notice of an electronic vote shall be posted at least 10 business days in advance and the voting shall remain open for five days After announced period of time for discussion, electronic vote is held to allow the complete PSG to vote on the issue An electronic vote must have at least five (5) voters PSGs with restrictive memberships (additional qualifications to the ones listed in BPDSP) may establish a quorum requirement based on a percentage of members with SAC approval Electronic votes are carried by majority (50% plus one) of votes cast

PSG Voting Rules - 3 Recall of Face-to-Face or Teleconference vote results Issues approved by 75% consensus at a face-to-face meeting or teleconference shall be posted to the reflector within five days PSG members not present for the vote shall have 10 days from the posting to recall the issue Ten recall petitions shall require an electronic vote Officer voting PSG Chair, or acting PSG Chair Does not vote in face-to-face meetings or teleconferences Is not counted toward a quorum PSG Chair may cast the deciding vote in electronic votes Other PSG officers may vote in face-to-face, teleconference and electronic votes

Appeals - 1 PSG member may appeal any decision by the PSG Chair to a vote by the PSG All PSG votes subject to appeal to the SAC PSG member may appeal to the SAC, via the TAD, the result of a vote within five days of the vote being posted to the reflector Classified as procedural or technical Procedural if PSG member feels the PSG violated SISO, SAC, or PSG rules or principles Technical if the PSG member believes the approved approach is not the best solution SAC reviews the appeal and notifies the person who appeals and the PSG Chair of its decision and rationale no later than 30 days after the appeal was filed. If a resolution to the appeal cannot be reached within 30 days due to the scope of the appeal, the committee Chair will periodically post status of the appeal to the appropriate committee reflector.

Appeals - 2 Any member of the PSG may appeal the SAC’s decision on the appeal to the EXCOM Appealing member shall notify the SAC Chair of the appeal and the reason and rationale of the appeal SAC Chair will provide the appeal package, the SAC decision and rationale, and the new appeal request to the EXCOM Chair EXCOM reviews the appeal and notifies the SAC of its decision and rationale no later than 30 days after the appeal was filed SAC shall notify the person who appeals and the PDG Chair Decisions by the EXCOM are final.

Dominance and Affiliation All Standards Bodies are having to address the potential of dominance of the standards process The IEEE has established requirements for the disclosure of affiliation for all IEEE Working Group members Employer Parent Company Any allegation or evidence of dominance within a working group is reported to the IEEE Standards Activity Board SISO has tradition of levying requirements over and above IEEE Emphasize these requirements. Agenda must be published prior to the meeting. First Item of Business should be to approve the Agenda The BPDSP requires the Chair to conduct meetings in a professional matter. Roberts Rules of Order is identified as a reference that might be useful to the chair. While many folks equate Roberts Rules as difficult to follow, it does allow for groups to approve an informal style and leave it to the discretion of the Chair to invoke some of the more formal approaches to keep a meeting on track. If the group adopts Roberts, a second order of business is usually to approve the informal style for the meeting. Third item of business at a meeting should be to include new members in the business. Since membership is based on reflector membership, the PDG should encourage potential new members to complete a roster providing the information necessary for reflector registration. Then the Chair would entertain a motion allowing the new members to participate in all business including voting. Fourth item approves previous minutes. Probably need to discuss the concept of a Reflector Meeting

Dominance and Affiliation All members of SISO Groups participating in the standards development process will disclose affiliation at all meetings: Employer Parent Company or Prime Contractor Sponsoring Agency Program or Product Supported Emphasize these requirements. Agenda must be published prior to the meeting. First Item of Business should be to approve the Agenda The BPDSP requires the Chair to conduct meetings in a professional matter. Roberts Rules of Order is identified as a reference that might be useful to the chair. While many folks equate Roberts Rules as difficult to follow, it does allow for groups to approve an informal style and leave it to the discretion of the Chair to invoke some of the more formal approaches to keep a meeting on track. If the group adopts Roberts, a second order of business is usually to approve the informal style for the meeting. Third item of business at a meeting should be to include new members in the business. Since membership is based on reflector membership, the PDG should encourage potential new members to complete a roster providing the information necessary for reflector registration. Then the Chair would entertain a motion allowing the new members to participate in all business including voting. Fourth item approves previous minutes. Probably need to discuss the concept of a Reflector Meeting

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