Population Pyramids Or Age /Sex Graphs
Population Pyramids These are illustrations divided into male/female columns that show the distribution of various age groups in a population
Patterns of Population Pyramids
Rapid Growth Pyramids Pyramids shaped like this illustrate: Poverty No Birth Control 3rd World Econ. Low Health Care
Slow Growth Pyramid Slow Growth have: Some health care Good food supply Technology Good living standards
Negative Growth Negative Growth has: Great health care Extensive Birth Control Educated population High living standards High cost of living
Creating your Population Pyramid Take your “Age/Sex Data Table” and divide the total population into the Male 0-4 population 479,894 divided by 6,420,792. The big number goes into the small to give you a percentage The answer is: 7.47 which equals 7.5 Use your Handout 1. Age/Sex Graph. You would draw a line half way between 8 and 7 to create a 7.5 space and color that space blue from the bar to the center. When you figure the female population on the other side, you will color it red or pink for female. Continue the process all the way on both sides to create your population pyramid