WARM-UP On your handout, please answer the following questions: WELCOME to Mr. Davidian’s Eng2/AP Lang Class- Rm 404 Today, you may choose your seat WARM-UP On your handout, please answer the following questions: What is your name? Period? What are your hobbies? Who is your role mole (past or present) What are your long term life goals/dreams? Thank you. We’ll start class in a few moments…
Welcome to English 2 By Mr. Davidian Room 404
Welcome to AP ENG LANG & COMP By Mr. Davidian Room 404
About Me (now seniors) James Davidian Teaching 8th year since 2006/2007 Married 7 years Like sports My dream- change The world
About Me (now seniors) 2013 Div 5a CIF FINALS
Who are you? Say your name What are your hobbies What is your dream/goal
We can take you from This… To This!
What I Expect THIS IS A CLASSROOM COMMUNITY with 30+ LEARNERS. My top priority is to create a safe and distraction free environment for all 30+ students. If a student constantly disrupts the 30 other students from learning, I will send out that student. I will not allow 1 student to stop the other 30+ students from learning. EVERY individual has the right to learn.
TODAY’S ACTIVITY SCHEDULE A warm-up assignment Intro to class About me/ you Review expectations Game/review Tonight’s Homework- bring back parent’s cell #/email
BEFORE CLASS Go to the bathroom before or after class -15/10 rule Please bring proper supplies, paper, pen, notebooks, or books Please silence /put away your cell, Cells/iPods will be confiscated if they are out (see student handbook) Please put food, drinks, or gum in trash, Please finish your conversations outside Please enter the class quietly, Please begin the posted assignment. **If students enter loudly or are not beginning the assignment, I will ask them to go back outside (intervention 1).
IN CLASS Choose a productive seat- be ready to change to assigned seats Respect the Classroom- don’t touch the walls please Respect others while they talk/ read/ views Keep Positive Atmosphere (it is easier and we learn more) Please respect Teacher during instruction Follow Directions Quickly Please do not talk back or make disruptive scenes We can discuss the issue after class- thank you. Raise your hand to talk Give 100% effort *Do something extra at school- sports, art, music, drama, AVID, leadership, maintenance, etc What to do when I am finished? Don’t say “I’m finished!” -Work on makeup work for this/other classes -Work on future assignments/ tonight’s Homework Study Notes/Vocabulary/Read quietly
IN CLASS Say Please and Thank you Say “My bad, “I’m Sorry” or “I apologize” What to do if you are absent? On your 1st day back, get handouts from the ABSENT box. If you plan to be absent multiple days, follow the Teacher website.
HOW I COMMUNICATE Refereeing “Good job” Less classwork More free time More learning More food/ celebrations Refereeing Look/ nonverbal gesture Call name, point or remind Reminder Ask you to Move to a productive new seat Step outside or to my desk Stay after class 1-2 min Call Home/Detention/Stop List/ Sent out/ Referral/Suspension/ **Disruptive students will be asked to step outside for a teacher conference- this is the last chance before being sent to OCS 1-2 days
EXPECT COLLEGE LEVEL THEMES AND MATURITY AP Language and Composition Analyzes Arguments (mostly non-fiction) writings, essays, speeches. A MATURE attitude is required A Positive, respectful, open-mined attitude is required Arguments have many sides, and AP students will look at COMPEX issues from a variety of points of view, including historic, scientific, social, religious, cultural, ect. Some MAJOR/offensive/divisive themes may or may not be discussed.
AP Grading YOU CAN EXPECT: Tests/APTs/quizzes = 40% Writing = 30% Reading/Classwork =20% Attendance/Participation = 10% A progress report every 2-4 weeks =SEE PARENT PORTAL Weekly FOR CURRENT GRADES AP STUDENTS CAN EXPECT a lot of readings from a variety of world literature, novels, speeches, short stories, ancient mythology and scriptures, essays,ect
AP TEST TAKING THE AP LANG TEST in MAY Is mandatory, Preparing for this test will be a serious part of this class.
Eng 2 Grading YOU CAN EXPECT: Tests/APTs/quizzes = 40% Writing = 30% Reading/Classwork =20% Attendance/Participation = 10% A progress report every 2-4 weeks =SEE PARENT PORTAL Weekly FOR CURRENT GRADES Expect a lot of readings from a A variety of world literature, including novels, speeches, short stories, ancient mythology and scriptures, poetry, and plays.
TECHNOLOGY SUBSCRIBE to to receive reminder texts or emails. English 2- Periods 1236, Text 81010, and text the code @mrd1236 in the message. -AP Lang- Period 5, Text 81010, and text the code @davidian5 in the message. Or enter the codes at Remind.com for text or email alerts.
TECHNOLOGY Visit the class website/ teacher page at http://www.tahquitzhs.org/ For all classwork/handouts The FASTEST way to contact me is through Email: Email: JDavidian@hemetusd.org Classroom Phone: (951) 765- 6300 Ex. 40404
What to do when I am finished? Don’t yell out “I’m finished!” -Work on makeup work for this/other classes -Work on tonight’s Homework - Study Notes/Vocabulary/transitions - Read quietly You may work quietly with other classmates… You may help the teacher/ -organize classroom -pass out return papers
Review Let’s review today’s content… Please pass out these handouts for the next class. Thank you! Tonight’s Homework (HW) is to have your parents sign and return the bottom right box of your parent letter.
I hear a lot of good things about Tahquitz students and athletics I hear a lot of good things about Tahquitz students and athletics! Get involved! Let’s have another great year! Thank you.