EARTHQUAKE UTSO NARJINARY, 49 B.Ed, University B.T. & Evening College
What is an Earthquake? It is a sudden slipping or movement of a portion of the earth’s crust accompanied and followed by a series of vibrations.
What happens actually? When two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another, earthquake occurs. The location below the earth’s surface where the earthquake starts is called the hypocenter, The location directly above it on the surface of the earth is called the epicenter. The surface where they slip is called the fault or fault plane
Preliminary Determination of EPICENTRE
Measuring the Earthquake? Earthquakes Are Measured Using Observations From A Sensitive Instrument Called SEISMOGRAPH. Any motion of the ground moves the frame. The mass tends not to move because of its INERTIA, and by measuring the motion between the frame and the mass, the motion of the ground can be determined.
SCALES 1. MOMENT MAGNITUDE : The most common scale on which Earthquakes larger than approximately 5 are reported for the entire globe is called the MOMENT Magnitude. 2. RITCHER SCALE: While the Earthquakes smaller than magnitude 5 reported by national seismological observatories are measured mostly on the local magnitude scale, also referred to as the RITCHER scale.
IT IS NOT ALWAYS A NATURAL PHENOMENON Storing large amounts of water behind a DAM (and possibly building an extremely heavy Building Drilling Injecting liquid into Wells Coal Mining Oil Drilling
1. Shaking and Ground Ruptures
2. Landslides and Avalanche
3. Fires
4. Soil Liquefaction
5. Tsunami Ref:
6. Human Impact
Can we stop natural phenomenon. No! it is something beyond our capability. Thus the best measure we can reach out for is to be precautious and be always on guard. Whether be it while dealing with your neighbor in society or against the so called natural hazard.
Precaution Against EARTHQUAKE
Before The Earthquake.. b) AMBULANCE SERVICE c) POLICE HELP d) RESCUE Always keep you Heavy Furnishing and heavy objects in lower shelves (Do not hang heavy items such as Decorative/ Fancy lights, Pictures, and Mirrors above the bed or sitting area Make sure your roof and wall foundation are Crack free. 3. Repair defective Electrical wiring and leaky Gas connection. 4. Make sure you have all the Emergency phone numbers @ your reach. a) FIRE SERVICE b) AMBULANCE SERVICE c) POLICE HELP d) RESCUE e) GAS DEPARTMENT F) ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT 5. Decide where your family will meet if separated.
During the EARTHQUAKE If indoor, stay indoors, where you are. Most injuries occur as people are entering or leaving buildings. 2. Take shelter under a sturdy table, desk or bed and protect your head and face as that will provide you with air space and protection against falling objects. 3. Do not use elevators, use stairways in multi-storey buildings. If you are outdoors, stay away from buildings, trees and overhead electrical cables. Remain in the open until the tremor stops. 4. If you are driving, stop as quickly as safety permits. Stay in your vehicle.
AFTER THE TREMOR Check yourself and others for injuries. Administer first aid quickly and carefully. Do not lit Fire objects as there might be a Gas leak Do not touch any damaged wiring. Be prepared for aftershocks which may maximize the damage.
IF TRAPPED UNDER DEBRIS; Avoid unnecessary movement so that you don’t kick up dust. Maintain moral and fighting spirits high. Periodically move your fingers and toes to ensure blood circulation. (hopefully if not dead).
CONCLUSION CONCLUSION: It is clear by now what an earthquake is, what its main effects are and the necessary steps to be maintained before, during and after the tremor occurs. The Guidelines are especially helpful for us because we are completely under the Epicenter. And I hope you maintain the Fighting spirits always high throughout your life not only against any calamity but against life’s all odds too. Good Luck