Bernhard Pfahringer, similar to Wharinga (Maori), or Fariga (Samoan) Pronunciation Guide Bernhard Pfahringer, similar to Wharinga (Maori), or Fariga (Samoan)
My mountain: Nordketteaunga @ Snazzy firefly CC BY 3.0
My river: Inn [Innsbruck] @ Christoph Radtke CC BY 3.0
My people
Study CS in Vienna2, Vienna
Summer intern 1984: CERN Summer 1984: CERN @ Brücke-Osteuropa CC0
Geek havenN: Geek Heaven IBM MSS (mass storage system) 472 gigabytes (1984) 50 MB per data cartridge (20m tape) => ~ 10000 cartridges @ w:User:Grm wnr CC BY-SA 3.0 M68000 7.8336 MHz 128 KB RAM 512x342 black-n-white pixels 400 KB floppy disk
Hardware revolutionare revolution iPhone 7s A10 processor: 1.85 GHz (250x) 2 GB RAM (15000x) 1920x1080 full color touch screen (12x) 128 GB storage (320000x) Plus: 2 cameras GPS, barometer, proximity sensor Accelerometer, compass, light sensor, gyroscope Apps for everything @ Apple 2015
Network revolutiontwork revolution WWW (World Wide Web) Tim Berners-Lee, @CERN, 1989 Search engines, 1998 Google Social networks, 2004 Facebook, 2006 Twitter, 2009 Whatsapp
Real revolution: our lives turned DIGITALitalisation of our lives 21st Century will be known as the “Century of Going Digital” Many aspects of our lives are now digital Consequences: Can be recorded and stored Can be analysed This has “just happened”.
PhotosDigitalisation: Photos From: analog cameras with film & printing pictures To: phones and digital cameras, images are online (flickr, FB)
NavigationDigitalisation: Navigation
Moneyigitalisation: Money
CommunicationDigitalisation: Communication
Social networksDigitalisation: Social networks
Information and knowledgeKnowledge dissemination Everything is online now: news papers scientific journals eBooks Wikipedia Search engines to find stuff: Google, Bing, Baidu Browsing is trickier: recommender systems
Movies and musicDigitalisation: Audio & Video
Shoppingtalisation: Shopping
Unintentional sensor networksUnintentional sensor networks Mobile phones -> personal locator beacon motorway congestion “real-time” census targeted vaccination credit card fraud detection Twitter -> earthquake detection
Software is at the core of progressance You can make a difference with good code!