Introduction to Animation FLASH Introduction to Animation
Overview What Is Animation? Frame-by-Frame Animation Motion Tweens Key Terms Frame Claymation Persistence of Vision Key Frame Tween Vector Image Stream Underlined terms are terms you should know
What is Animation? Animation is a type of optical illusion. It involves the appearance of motion caused by displaying still images one after another. Play: Flipbook Animation - Goku vs Superman A cartoon animation is made up of lots of single pictures. In fact, every movie or TV show you watch works this way. When someone shows you a series of still pictures one after another, your mind fills in the gaps and you are tricked into thinking that the cartoon characters are actually moving (persistence of vision).
What is Animation? Frame - contains an individual picture In traditional animated cartoons, frames are hand drawn. Ex: Flipbook Animation - Goku vs Superman When animation is used for films, frames are individually produced using computers or photographs of images. Frames can also be generated by altering a model unit in small ways and using a special camera to take pictures of the results, as in claymation. No matter what method is used, the end product fools the eye into seeing continuous movement.
What is Animation? The term persistence of vision is used to describe the reason the eyes can be fooled into seeing continuous movement that isn't really happening. Basically, the brain stores the images the eyes see for a fraction of a second and automatically smooths out any minor jumps or blips that occur. Since animation frames are shot at very fast rates, most individuals see the movement without stoppages.
What is Animation? Animation is created by the use of consecutive frames, done in a gradual progression of steps, that simulate motion. By doing this, the eye can be fooled into perceiving motion when the images are shown at 12 fps (frames per second) or faster. Two main types of animation: frame-by-frame and tweening.
Frame By Frame Animation Frame-By-Frame Animation is a technique in which each frame or cell varies slightly from the one before in order to convey motion when the frames are photographed by a special camera. When these images are played back the final product shows each frame in rapid succession, thereby mimicking movement, so it’s important to make sure each cell lines up carefully with the others when shooting, or else the final product will appear jittery or jumpy. Clay puppets are commonly used when filming frame-by-frame animation because their movements can be easily manipulated between frames with minimal risk of damage to the puppet itself (claymation). Ex: Breakdance Claymation.flv
Motion Tweens In-betweening or tweening is the process of generating intermediate frames between two images to give the appearance that the first image evolves smoothly into the second image. In-betweens are the drawings between the keyframes which help to create the illusion of motion.
Key Terms Frame Claymation Persistence of Vision Frame-by-Frame Individual pictures used to create motion pictures and animation Claymation When a model clay character is altered in small ways and photographed using a special camera. Creating pictures that are made into frames. Persistence of Vision Persistence of Vision is the term used for an illusion of movement created by the brain when viewing still pictures Frame-by-Frame Animation technique in which each frame is drawn individually
Key Terms Tweening Key Frame Vector Image Streaming Tweening (short for in between-ing) is the process of generating frames between keyframes to create the illusion of motion Key Frame A picture or drawing that defines the beginning and ending points of any smooth transition Vector Image A scalable, resolution independent image created by using mathematical points on a graph Streaming A continuous display of images
Summary What Is Animation? Frame-by-Frame Animation Motion Tweens Key Terms Frame Claymation Persistence of Vision Key Frame Tween Vector Image Stream