Good Practice in Volunteer Management VOLUNTEER PROGRAMME Good Practice in Volunteer Management What is the purpose of the training course? To emphasis the good practices and if necessary help you put in place improvements in your organisations Liz Devaney 2010
VOLUNTEER PROGRAMME STAGES PLANNING PREPARATION PROCESS DIVERSITY NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS COMMUNICATION STRATEGY “Good volunteering opportunities” for the volunteer invoves you, the manager, planning the activities, preparing the resources needed and having all the supporting processes in place. More explanation as we go through
PLANNING Why involve volunteers? Outcomes to be achieved Objectives to be achieved Resources needed Standards to underpin work/working methods DIVERSITY NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS COMMUNICATION STRATEGY These are the key questions you would start of your planning for a volunteer project/opportunity to happen
PREPARATION Policies to underpin volunteer programme Staff-selection from existing volunteers and training for objectives Funding Systems DIVERSITY NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS COMMUNICATION STRATEGY This involves all the paperwork you may need to have in place. Some (like policies) of it is driven by laws or guidelines, some by funders needing to track what happened to their money!
PREPARATION Systems to include: DIVERSITY Support Monitoring and review Expenses reimbursement and resource allocation Communication Celebration and reward Recording and storage of information DIVERSITY NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS COMMUNICATION STRATEGY Having thought about what you want to achieve and how, you will need to have thrashed out with everyone concerned the details.
PROCESS DIVERSITY NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS Advertise opportunity in the project, recruit for the activity and select suitable volunteers Induction and training Work plan - Briefing, debriefing and feedback Support, supervise and monitor Respond to difficult situations/challenges Assess outcomes, evaluate and amend plans DIVERSITY NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS COMMUNICATION STRATEGY
These stages are reflected in the workbook case studies DIVERSITY NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS COMMUNICATION STRATEGY