Bend lawn care is more important than Redmond lawn care Believe it or not, Bend lawn care is more important than Redmond lawn care and this article explains the cost differences between cities for justification. 1
Bend lawn care is more important than Redmond lawn care There are 6 cities in Central Oregon so you would assume that each city has the same maintenance factor because the climate is the same, however Bend lawn care is definitely more important than Redmond lawn care and let us tell you why. Bend has a larger population than Redmond. Bend also has more wealth than Redmond. These combined factors etch itself into the economy. For example, the water bill is different in Redmond than in Bend. The more populated area, the more expensive it is to maintain. 2
Bend lawn care is more important than Redmond lawn care Bendites spend an average of $30 - $60 a month on water according to a Numbeo Survey. And in Redmond, their average water bill is between $15 - $40. Even though both cities are only 15 miles apart, the cost of living is far more to live in Bend than in its predecessor. That means that lawn care is more crucial in Bend than in Redmond. If the landscape was done properly and irrigation set according to the symmetric design, then you can use less water than you need to saving you $15 - $20 a month on water alone. Does it end there? Nope. 3
Bend lawn care is more important than Redmond lawn care Not only water, but electricity is higher in Bend. As a rule of thumb you can expect to use 1000 watts per horse power (HP). If you have a one HP pump motor and run it one hour at ten cents (0.10) per kilowatt hour, then it would cost you ten cents per hour in electricity to run that pump. Setting the irrigation system up properly so that the landscape gets plenty of water by using less hours on the pump is the answer to saving money. The City of Bend recommends one inch of water every four days. 4
Bend lawn care is more important than Redmond lawn care Not only water, but electricity is higher in Bend. As a rule of thumb you can expect to use 1000 watts per horse power (HP). If you have a one HP pump motor and run it one hour at ten cents (0.10) per kilowatt hour, then it would cost you ten cents per hour in electricity to run that pump. Setting the irrigation system up properly so that the landscape gets plenty of water by using less hours on the pump is the answer to saving money. The City of Bend recommends one inch of water every four days. 5
Bend lawn care is more important than Redmond lawn care The savings combined from the above water and electric bill is hard to calculate unless you know your cost for electricity per kilowatt hour. However, we can judge by low averages that it costs 10 cents an hour to run your irrigation system. If not installed properly or adjusted for savings, it’s likely you could waste at least $20 a month in electricity by watering your lawn too much. Combined, if you had the proper landscape company monitoring your lawn, you could be saving at least $40 a month ($500 a year!) by making the correct adjustments. 6
Bend lawn care is more important than Redmond lawn care Bend lawn care is definitely more important than Redmond lawn care if your wages match from city to city, meaning if you make the same wage as one in the other city. Your cost to maintain your lawn in Redmond is going to be cheaper than in Bend unless you hire a lawn care expert to manipulate your landscape correctly with the irrigation system. In fact, a person living in Redmond can justify hiring a landscape company come to their house once a month because they are saving that much money if living in bend! care/ #Bend lawn care #Redmond lawn care 7