Cults Cults are small groups that carry out deviant activities under the direction of a charismatic leader. Weber defines charismatic authority depends on special qualities of a leader that are attrituted to him/her by followers. It is different than traditional authority based on custom or rational-legal authority derived from a code of laws or procedures (i.e. modern bureaucracies). Cults are total institutions (Goffman, 1961) expecting their adherents to reside on cult property, be under the direction of senior members, unquestioningly believe in a supreme leader, give all their worldly possessions, either participate in sexuality at cult direction or totally abstain, and adopt unusual terms of speech Most cults believe the outside world is corrupt, ungodly and frequently have as their mission to change society or leave to found a new more pure social order.
Characteristics of Cult Leaders & Followers Personality Narcissistic and/or antisocial Dependent Motivation Change society Create a pure society Conquer evil Fit in/Belong Become part of movement greater than self Orientation May have political or religious preoccupation Self-presentation Self-confident Cool Controlling Nervous
Examples of Cults Manson Family Heaven’s Gate - Marshall Applewhite Jonestown - Jim Jones Branch Davidian, Waco Tx - David Koresh Moonies - Sun Myung Moon Mormon polygamy sect-Yearning For Zion Ranch in Eldorado, TX (“Big Love”) A Look inside the Polygamist Ranch