Daily Agenda – Sept. 19, 2011 BOP- Beginning Of Period


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Presentation transcript:

Daily Agenda – Sept. 19, 2011 BOP- Beginning Of Period Write the parameters for the sign “want” Activities: Review of vocabulary and fingerspelling. Exercise G Discuss Quiz 1.1 and HWC 1.2 New vocabulary

Exercise G With your partner, sign the following dialogues. One person is A and the other is B. When you have finished, switch parts. Dialogue #1 A: Hi! How are you? B: I’m fine. How are you? A: I’m good. I’m Eric Morse. I’m Deaf. B: Hi, my name is Chris Sarn. I’m hearing. Dialogue #2 A: What’s up? How are you? B: I’m busy! How are you? A: Same old. I want you to meet my friend Cara. B: Hi Cara. How are you?

I Can: Introduce myself and a friend. RECAP – Review, Enhance, Clarify, Acquire, Progress What “labels” do you use to describe yourself? For example, I am a teacher, mother, and “old as dirt”… To do: Review and study

Daily Agenda – Sept. 20, 2011 BOP- Beginning Of Period Write out the parameters for the sign “Deaf” HS: L: M: PO: Activities: Book Vocab. – who? Tired, hold on x2, pay attention, homework, to go-to Labels: Deaf, deaf, hearing impaired, hard of hearing

I Can: Use the text book as a reference. Use new vocabulary. RECAP – Review, Enhance, Clarify, Acquire, Progress Write out the parameters for the sign “hearing” HS: PO: L: M: To do: REVIEW new concepts and vocabulary. Be ready for a HWC.

Daily Agenda – Sept. 21, 2011 BOP- Beginning Of Period Write the parameters for the sign “pay attention” Activities: HWC #1.3 Review and new vocabulary: learn, sign, Introducing a friend - p. 13 DVD Working with a partner, create and practice a dialogue. Introduce your partner to the class.

I Can: Introduce a friend. Understand and use new vocabulary. RECAP – Review, Enhance, Clarify, Acquire, Progress How did you do on the HWC? What can you do at home to improve? What did you do well? To do: REVIEW AND STUDY!!!

Daily Agenda – Sept. 22, 2011 BOP- Beginning Of Period – No written BOP – Get together with your partner and be prepared to present your dialogue. Activities: Practice and review Students’ dialogues

I Can: Introduce a friend and have a signed dialogue. RECAP – Review, Enhance, Clarify, Acquire, Progress What do Hard of hearing, Hearing Impaired, deaf and Deaf mean? To do: PRACTICE

Daily Agenda – Sept. 23, 2011 BOP- Beginning Of Period – No written BOP. Activities: Your personal goals for the rest of this grading period Read “Interacting with Deaf people” p. 14, DVD Read The Question Maker – p. 15 – DVD In your journals, write the English sentences for Ex. J - #1-3 p. 16 Read “Accent Steps” p. 16 Ex. L p. 18 Sections 1-2 Review vocabulary

I Can: Set personal goals for my own education. Interact with a Deaf person Use the “Question Maker” RECAP – Review, Enhance, Clarify, Acquire, Progress What are culturally appropriate ways of getting a Deaf person’s attention? To do: Enjoy your weekend!