Unit 1B Shaker Table Testing
Shaker Table Test
Shaker Table Test Diagram Upcoming units: synthesize time history to meet base input specifications.
Shaker Table The shaker table is electromagnetic. Has an armature and a field coil. Similar to loudspeaker.
Shaker Table Testing Shaker table testing applies a base excitation to the test item. Reasons for testing: 1. Verify the integrity of the design with respect to the maximum expected levels. 2. Verify parts and workmanship, such as solder joints. 3. Evaluate circuit board natural frequencies and transmissibility ratios. 4. Evaluate effectiveness of isolator mounts.
Design and Verification Tests Electronic components should be powered and monitored before, during, and after the vibration test. Some failure modes may be presents only during the application of vibration. Example, two parallel circuit boards vibrate out-of-phase with respect to one another, thereby creating an electrical short during vibration. Other possible failure modes include misalignment or loss of clearance.