Anatomy and Physiology: Muscular System Throughout our time on the muscular system you must compete a starter, main and dessert across the three topics (total of 6 points) GCSE PE @ OAK WOOD STARTER (1 point) MAIN (2 points) DESSERT (3 points) Create a fact sheet for all twelve of the skeletal muscles discussed in T4. ___________________________ Find, print and annotate three sporting examples, with reference to the antagonistic pairs being used. Draw and label a diagram of the structure of a skeletal muscle Design a classroom display that compares and contrasts between the different types of muscle ___________________________ Create an exam question and mark scheme about antagonistic pairs (Has to be at least 4 marks) Build a model that shows the structure of a muscle fibre Write three tweets that summaries the three different types of muscle* ___________________________ Write a blog post on how antagonistic pairs have been used in a sporting performance of athlete you look up to* Create a card sort that requires connections to be made between muscles, antagonistic pairs, muscle fibres and sporting performance Types of muscle TAKE AWAY HOMEWORK Antagonistic pairs Anatomy and Physiology: Muscular System Muscle fibres Help zone: Ask a friend and watch the tutorial Bring the work to Thursday intervention * Indicates that a template is available for the task (Found in Teams) Create your own…. If you have a better idea for your homework then check with your teacher and give it a go (agree how many points its worth)