Brief solution Focused Therapy By Chad Tobin Andrew Gosney EDUC50F3 Dr. Ronald Lehr Make a handout based on Chad’s template Provide examples of questions Provide copies of helpful linguistic skills Case study 1 for us to use as an example Case Study 2 for classmates to play with
Key Concepts “The therapeutic process provides a context where individuals focus on recovering and creating solutions rather than talking about their problems (Corey, 2005).” Client’s story is often rooted in deterministic view This is countered with optimistic conversations that highlight achievable and usable goals Focus on present and future with little or no interest in gaining understanding of the problem or it’s causes Focus on possibilities, strengths and resiliencies the client possesses
Look for what is Working Assist clients to look for exceptions to the problem patterns (i.e.: What was it like when it was a little better? you coped well? the problem wasn’t as strong? things were going your way?) Through this process problems are deconstructed and new solutions manifest through clients own discovery
Some Basic Assumptions There are exceptions to every problem Clients can gain control over problems that once seemed unsolvable Clients often only share one side of themselves. Clients are invited to examine another side of the story presented. Small changes pave the way for larger changes Therapists adopt a cooperative stance with client “Each individual is unique and so, too, is each solution (Corey, 2005).”
Process Client describes the problem. Counsellor asks: How can I be useful to you? Counsellor and client develop well-formed goals ASAP. Explore exceptions. Summary feedback, encouragement and things the client may do before the next session. Assess client satisfaction with the session. A rating scale may be applied. Clients are asked what needs to be done before they see their problem as being solved and also what will be their next step.
Therapeutic Relationship Three Types of Clients Customer: client and therapist identify a problem and solution. Client has effort. Complainant: problem and solution is dependant on someone else’s actions. The Visitor: someone else thinks the client has a problem. The client may or may not agree they have a problem.