VCSU’s Assessment of Student Learning When we talk about Assessment in the context of the HLC or our Campus-Wide System we are referring to Student Learning. I will provide you with an overview of the Assessment System and identify changes from the current processes. Short comings of the previous plan 1) access to the projects 2) lack of an assessment budget. New plan – Dr. King and I have been putting it together. We would welcome anyone who wants to be part of this process.
VCSU’s Assessment of Student Learning
VCSU’s Assessment of Student Learning
VCSU’s Assessment of Student Learning
VCSU’s Assessment of Student Learning
VCSU’s Assessment of Student Learning
Senior Portfolio Assessment Part of current assessment system Completed for each student by divisional faculty during portfolio presentation Sent to Assessment office Aggregated and returned to division/ department for examination and program reviews New Form – Reviewed at Summer Institute
Student Ability Surveys Given 3 times throughout each year Learning to Live class Specific General Education courses -spring. Seniors during portfolio presentation process Sent to Assessment office Aggregated and returned to division/ department for examination and program reviews
Other NDUS & Campus Statistics (NSSE) National Survey of Student Engagement Noel-Levitz – Student Satisfaction Inventory is a tool to improve the quality of student life and learning. Noel Levitz – Priorities Survey for Online Learners (PSOL) tells us how satisfied your students are and what issues are really important to them. Retention & Graduating rates
Senior Projects – Summer Institute Projects from Senior Portfolios from the previous year Summer Assessment Institutes - 3 person teams Projects from 4 Abilities will be reviewed Over the summer we did 7 of the 8 Abilities Seniors in Portfolio classes will burn a CD containing just their projects Syllabus expectations 17 faculty involved in the Summer Assessment Institute To appropriately assess the projects requires 1. The project 2. The skill 3. A reflection
General Education General Education Projects are collected and reviewed by the Curriculum Committee 2-3 Abilities are reviewed each year. There is currently data on three Abilities A 3-point rubric is used The Assessment System will allow us to track student growth and connect General Education to the degree programs