Puppet Vocabulary Students will practice their vocabulary from “The Golden Cadillac” using the Sock Puppet App. They will record one of the puppets asking the other puppet the meaning of the vocabulary word. Follow the directions below to complete the activity. Select the Sock Puppet App. Select New. Select at least two Characters and touch Next. Select the Background and touch Next. Select the Props and Scenery and touch Next. You will then record one of the puppets reading the sentence with the unknown vocabulary word and then asking the other puppet the meaning of the vocabulary word. ***Note: The arrow is pointing to the speaker, so be sure to click on the sock puppet that you want to speak. The other puppet will reply with his best guess as to what the word means from context clues in and surrounding the sentence. Pick one of the puppets to read the vocabulary word definition from a dictionary (print or online). Then the puppet will use the word in a sentence. The recording will only last 30 seconds in total; so, you may need to script the dialogue before you even begin. This task uses: Common Core/NG Standard(s): CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL 6.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone. TEACHER NOTES: Teacher’s name/email: Sandy Baldridge/ sandy.baldridge@cpsb.org School: Lewis Middle School Grade Level/Subject: 6th Grade / ELA Task Card Level 1 Special Directions/Considerations: iPad app Activity Evaluation: Informal assessment through teacher observation as well as completion of Puppet Vocabulary. Prerequisites for students: List of vocabulary words from the short story “The Golden Cadillac”.