Accelerator R&D for the Super-B Factory J. Seeman SLAC Paris Super-B 5th Workshop May 9-11, 2007
CDR Very good technical start. All accelerator topics were covered and many at considerable depth. Several topics deserve further study to clarify issues. Some engineering and physicist time is needed to take the next step.
Accelerator Physics Study beam dynamics of two IRs. Studies needed to find acceptable dynamic aperture with crab waist sextupoles. Refine tuning procedures for small x and y emittances given probable lattice errors. Carry out further vibration tolerance studies and reduction.
Interaction Region Location optimization of Crab Waist sextupoles Vacuum system layout of +/- 10 m. Design the “magic flange” near the Be chamber. Masking and collimation in the +/- 50 m of the IR. Design for dynamic stabilization of the IR quadrupoles (active reactive masses?). Detector solenoid compensation and extra skew quadrupoles for vertical emittance control.
Vacuum System Extrusion design with ECI electrodes. How to best reuse PEP-II chambers. Make design of feedback cavities with 2 nsec bunch spacing.
Injection Clarify beam phase space for injection. Further define injection hardware parameters at the injector-ring interface. Define polarization manipulation for the injector.
Polarization Define IR geometrical layout with spin rotators. With above, determine the depolarization time and average longitudinal polarization.
Utilities Define next step of the surface building requirements. Start engineering cost validation. Make a first utility system layout.
Conclusions Great start. Looking forward to the next phase of the design study.