Kindergarten Orientation St. John’s Parish Day School 2017-2018
Teacher and Parent Introductions Ericka Jennings Kelly Mintzer Valerie Trim
Nurturing Your Children We believe each child: Is a precious gift from God Has unique gifts and talents Has great potential Is capable of learning Our promises to you: to love your child to encourage your child to keep your child safe
Taking an Active Role Partnership Join the Parents Association Assist on committees Plan events Volunteering in the classroom Room parents Field trips Classroom parties
Typical Daily Schedule Arrival and Morning Work– 8:10-8:30 Morning Meeting Math Calendar Bathroom Break and Snack Language Arts – Read Aloud, whole group and/or small group activities, journal writing Recess Lunch Quiet Time –teacher read chapter books, individual reading, and/or writing Math – whole group and/or centers Social Studies Specials – morning and afternoon Purposeful Play Chapel Dismissal from Classroom – 3:20-3:30 Dismissal from Auditorium – 3:30
Specials Mrs. Jennings’ Specials Monday- Spanish & Media Tuesday- Science & P.E. Wednesday- P.E. Thursday- Art & Music Friday- Music Mrs. Mintzer’s Specials Monday- Spanish & Media Tuesday- Art & P.E. Wednesday- P.E. Thursday- Science & Music Friday- Music
Routines/Responsibility Independence Each morning bring in: Snacks (2) Red Daily Folder Classroom Jobs Morning Work Homework – Starts in October
Lunch Program Brought to you by Vocelli's Catering Orders must be placed 7 days in advance Order online: Contact: Suzanne Hustead
School Wide Discipline Policy Based on St. John’s School Pledge The 5 “Be” Rules Be Kind Be Respectful Be Responsible Be safe Be ready to learn Referral Form Monthly Character Trait
Illness Policy Sick = not in school Fever = not in school Must be fever free for 24 hours to return to school (without medication) E-mail or call if absent
Field Trips and Special Activities Grandparents Day – November Holiday Tales – Arts & Stage at Goucher College 12/4/17 Aquarium - Middle February
Birthdays We are a Nut Free School You may bring in a Safe Snack: Join us for Thursday Chapel in the Historic Church We are a Nut Free School You may bring in a Safe Snack: Fruits and Veggies Fruit snacks Oreos (Please no Goodie Bags or balloons)
Uniform Guidelines 3 Ways to locate uniform guidelines: 1. On the front page of the website, scroll down to the “Uniform Ordering and Dress Code” news item near the bottom of the page. Click on the “Attachment” button for a copy of the guidelines. Go directly to the following link: then view the content titled “Uniforms” which contains a link to the Uniform Guidelines. 3. Go to the “Parents & Students” Tab, then click on “Parents & Students Resources” in the dropdown menu. View the content titled “Uniforms” which contains a link to the Uniform Guidelines.
Communication Daily Red Folder Thursday Green Folder Communication logs Website – Teacher Pages Email - Phone - (410) 465-7644
Q & A