Think critically. Succeed academically. 南山中學. 雙語班教材 培養關鍵思考力! Think critically. Succeed academically.
English Reading and Writing Teacher: Catherine I taught for 4 years in Canada. I have been in Taiwan for 1 year. I have taught a lot of English and music classes. I like traveling, music, and tea.
Quick Facts 分為 Reading/ Writing Listening/ Speaking 兩大系列 Q Second Edition is an academic paired skills course taking adult learners from elementary to advanced level English. There are 8 units per level and 100 hours worth of material per strand (200 per level) (including iQ Online). 6 levels 8 units 100 hours
The Q Package Student Book with iQ Online 學生課本附加線上練習帳號 線上練習平台Online Practice, 學生可做額外練習
Think critically. Succeed academically. Q: Skills for Success Think critically. Succeed academically. 培養關鍵性思考 Critical thinking Question centered approach Explicit skills instruction Learner-centered Think critically. Succeed academically. still lies at the core of what Q: Skills for Success offers. Here are just a few of the things teachers loved from the 1st edition. Q’s question-centered approach provides a unique critical thinking framework for each unit. This develops key cognitive skills such as analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating—as well as developing language skills that are essential for academic success. This methodology is as central to the 2nd edition of Q as it was to the 1st.
Tracking progress online 線上練習平台可追踪自我學習成果與進度 Useful for teachers Students and teachers can also track progress online. For students achievement badges demonstrate progress and motivate students to complete the online course content. Teachers can track progress at a glance, allowing them to identify class strengths and weaknesses, and adapt their lessons accordingly. Motivating for students
Enhanced skills support Academic readiness 運用BBC影片與學術生字集來培養英語技能 Enhanced skills support Video Vocabulary With new note-taking skills, an extended writing syllabus and authentic video in every unit, Q Second Edition equips students for academic success better than ever.
About iQ Online Robust practice Auto-graded tests Extensive resources Activities aligned to the Student Book (15-18 per unit) More vocabulary and pronunciation practice helps students become independent word learners Auto-graded tests for every unit Save teachers time Assign automatically-scored online tests or download print- and-go or customizable tests with every item correlated to the CEFR Extensive resources NEW Communicative Grammar worksheets NEW Peer Review worksheets and Writing Outlines help students to write collaboratively and independently NEW Discussion Board resource pack, with worksheets for students and teacher notes Robust practice Auto-graded tests Extensive resources
Activities in the Student Book progress directly to activities online A blended learning approach 課本學習後,可利用線上練習再做複習 Activities in the Student Book progress directly to activities online. This allows teachers to embed the online content into the lesson Or assign the online practice as homework, encouraging independent learning. Activities in the Student Book progress directly to activities online
學生上線看影片前可先利用課本題目激盪思考力 Students activate knowledge before watching the video. 2. 學生可至線上觀看影片,並回答題目. Students go online to watch the video and practice comprehension. Here’s an example of how digital learning has been truly integrated into the Q course.
Grades Term Exam Learning attitude & online homework 40% 60%
Behavior Rubric Good / Bad actions Responsibility for students Opportunity to earn
Parental Support We ask that you help us by: Asking your child what they learned in English class today. Encouraging your child to complete all assigned homework. Encouraging your child to review material regularly in preparation for term tests. Contacting us if you have any issues or questions.
The Q Series- Level 1 and 2 Teacher: Caroline Garrett The Q series is a new, extensive language learning system that breaks English down into two important sections. One is reading and writing, and the other is listening and speaking. While students continue to acquire core academic skills in their classes, this second series will also place a heavy emphasis on both practical academic use of the English language. 1515 The Q Series- Level 1 and 2 Teacher: Caroline Garrett 線上練習平台Online Practice This is the homework for Q classes. Students complete 2-3 activities per week on each Unit. Student Book with iQ Online 學生課本附加線上練習帳號 Listening and Speaking skills
Information about the teacher Caroline Garrett is from San Diego, California (USA). She has been teaching for 8 years. She moved to Taiwan on March 25. Caroline loves to travel and is having fun visiting all the beach towns in Taiwan.
Video and Audio both have subtitles With new note-taking skills, an extended writing syllabus and authentic video in every unit, Q Second Edition equips students for academic success better than ever. 1717 Video 影片 Students watch parts of news shows Audio Students listen to portions of audio (dialogue, news, lectures, interview) Video and Audio both have subtitles
1818 Q2e’s robust research-based vocabulary program is highlighted at the back of every Student Book, with correlations to: CEFR, Oxford 3000, and Academic Word List. Teachers and students can be confident that they are learning the right words for academic success Vocabulary 集結牛津學術字彙 Oxford 3000 is a word list made by language experts and teachers. These are the words that are part of Q Series lessons.
Students and teachers can also track progress online. For students achievement badges demonstrate progress and motivate students to complete the online course content. Teachers can track progress at a glance, allowing them to identify class strengths and weaknesses, and adapt their lessons accordingly. 1919 Online practice (Homework): Student and teacher can see student's progress 線上練習平台追踪自我學習成果與進度 Each week, students choose 2-3 activities to complete in the current unit. Motivating for students作答後馬上給予回饋,增加學習動機 Students enjoy using technology
2020 Activities in the Student Book progress directly to activities online. This allows teachers to embed the online content into the lesson Or assign the online practice as homework, encouraging independent learning. 進入網站註冊帳密 第一次登入, 請先註冊 Students need 2 codes when they register: 1)Access Code is in the Q1 book. 2) Class ID number will be given in Q1 class next week. Students need to register online next week, and begin the homework in Unit 2.
(this number is in the Q1 book) When a student registers online: 為方便查找成績,可於First Name填入學號。 First name: Student’s ID Last name: Student’s ID+Name 輸入書封內頁的access code (this number is in the Q1 book) 老師會給一組Class ID, 可於此時輸入。假如還沒給,可於之後再加入。 Next week, I will give the students their Class ID number. I will also teach them how to register. If a student forgets to write down the Class ID number, the student can join the class later. 如還未拿到Class ID, 請先Skip. 如有Class ID, 輸入後按Next.
Behaviors Participation Polite and caring attitude Speaking English Distracting other students Loudness Doesn't bring homework Late to class Sleeping, idle Doesn't bring class materials Not trying to speak English Participation Polite and caring attitude Speaking English Volunteer to help Written reflection Excellent performance Note taking Gratitude
Grades 30% of the grade is behavior in class 40% of the grade is the Exam 30% of the grade is online homework
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