By: The Crafty Jellyfish Food Charm Series III. Hot Dog By: The Crafty Jellyfish
Food Charm Series III. Hot Dog You need: Dark Brown Polymer Clay Red Polymer Clay Tan Polymer Clay Peach Polymer Clay Yellow Polymer Clay Wire Cutters Eye Pin Wire
Step 1 Mix two parts peach clay and ½ part tan clay to make the color for the bun. Not pictured here: Roll the color into a thick log. Use an Exacto knife or other cutter to make a large triangular slit in the side. Don’t cut all the way through!
Step 2 Mix two parts red and ½ part dark brown clay to make clay for the meat. Roll it into a medium sized log.
Roll the yellow into a long, thin log. Set it aside for now. Step 3 Roll the yellow into a long, thin log. Set it aside for now.
Place the meat log into the bun. Center it. Step 4 Place the meat log into the bun. Center it.
Step 5 Take the yellow and place it on the meat, folding it in a zig-zag. Cut to size and add the eye pin wire, add eyes too, if you want. You’re done! (Sorry about the shadow – at least it’s not covering the hot dog.)