This man is Usain Bolt.
It's his country.
Usain Bolt was born on 21 August 1986.
He weighs 86kg and he's 1,95m tall .
His nickname is Lightning Bolt because he is very fast.
He is the fastest man in the world !!
His sport is athletics and his disciplin is sprint running.
His sponsor is puma.
He practises a lot.
He runs on a track.
He runs in the pool.
He runs on a grass track.
He practises basketball.
He loves cricket.
Usain Bolt practises football.
He had a lot of injuries .
He won the 2001semi final in the World Championships at 14 years old.
At the World Championships, in 2002, he became the new junior world champion.
He was eliminated at the Olympic Games in 2004 in Athens (Greece).
In 2005, he got a new coach.
His coach said Usain Bolt is not serious and he must train harder
He won the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing (China).
He won the 100m, 200m and 4x100m in 2009.
In the World Championships, in 2011, in Daegu, he was eliminated because he had a false start.
He participated in the Olympic Games 2012 with his teammates
He won the Olympic Games in 2012.
His best time in 100m is 9,58 seconds
How fast !!!
In conclusion, Usain is fabulous ! He has got the record !
Created by Prune and Alizée 4°5