SPE Expectations Leverage existing delivery technologies Raise the bar on content protection Hardware protected video path Solutions must be acceptable to other Studios Hardware root of trust Avoid vendor lock-in for delivery Allow for extensibility Content bound to consumer’s domain
Enhanced Content Protection Active monitoring and response Renew security with every new Title Limit number of protection systems Updated Compliance & Robustness Rules HDCP 2.0 only Keys bound to rights locker (not to physical media) Require 3rd party device certification
Principles for content protection with rationale Issue with current systems Mitigation for 4K Software systems are vulnerable Hardware systems only allowed Permanently offline players cannot be authenticated, revoked or updated 4K security architecture will require online authentication, revocation and update checks Self-certification allows lazy OEMs through Mandatory 3rd party certification of 4K devices Single, long-standing security architecture gives hackers time to attack, and means that attacks have high impact, if successful (as whole device base is vulnerable) 4K security will be renewable, at least for each Title, at a system and individual device level, and support diversity across devices and Titles HDCP 1.4 is vulnerable HDCP2.0 only allowed, with NO backward compatibility with earlier versions Existing robustness rules are outdated and too broad New robustness rules, for devices with hardware security only, will be developed Systems allowing multiple content protection systems are as strong as the weakest system A single, renewable, content protection system only will be allowed