Tactical Decision Games Toolkit Review friendly laydown Identify additional resources required Based on the IPB done by the G-2 and the Red Cell and the CBAE/CPG provided by the commander, the OPT is familiar with the enemy force and is now ready to examine the friendly force and its capabilities. Beginning with a review of the friendly situation, the OPT should graphically display friendly units to allow planners to see current and possible future locations. The locations of friendly forces and any relocation of support will impact the development of each COA. A comparison of enemy and friendly strengths and weaknesses naturally flows out of this display. Note: Mention should be made here that this presentation uses Power Point graphics to illustrate positioning of forces in the COA development process. Later on, as the COA graphic and narrative is displayed, the need to use C2PC is emphasized. The use of PP during this presentation is for instructional purposes only. C2PC should be used for COA graphics and narratives in the OPT.
Instructions Open the toolkit in your web browser Save the TDG Map PowerPoint file to your computer Save the toolkit PowerPoint file to your computer Select a symbol and copy and paste it onto the TDG Map Complete your operations graphic with the required unit symbols and graphic control measures Upload the completed graphic to the TDG Web Form Upload your solution document to the TDG Web Form Task Org two levels down Command relationships (OPCON, TACON, etc.) Earlier we mentioned that the OPT needs to develop the Task Organization of the force. This process began with the arraying of forces and the relative combat power assessment conducted when we began building the force requirement. Here we see a task organization that depicts two levels down from the MEF. It is during this process that the OPT and the commander determine the appropriate command relationships, to include tactical mission assignments and support relationships. The OPT should take a detailed look at the main effort, supporting effort, reserve and security forces. Forces should be compared against the enemy again to ensure they are tailored adequately, to identify any potential risk or shortfalls, and to apply any potential asymmetric advantage. The OPT must ensure the force is constructed, sized, and supported according to its assigned tasks.
Friendly Units Infantry Air Defense Airborne Infantry Armor Motorized Amphibious Armor Mechanized Infantry Rotary Wing Task Org two levels down Command relationships (OPCON, TACON, etc.) Earlier we mentioned that the OPT needs to develop the Task Organization of the force. This process began with the arraying of forces and the relative combat power assessment conducted when we began building the force requirement. Here we see a task organization that depicts two levels down from the MEF. It is during this process that the OPT and the commander determine the appropriate command relationships, to include tactical mission assignments and support relationships. The OPT should take a detailed look at the main effort, supporting effort, reserve and security forces. Forces should be compared against the enemy again to ensure they are tailored adequately, to identify any potential risk or shortfalls, and to apply any potential asymmetric advantage. The OPT must ensure the force is constructed, sized, and supported according to its assigned tasks. Fixed Wing Artillery Motor Transportation Recon Mechanized Recon Engineers
Enemy Units Mechanized Infantry Air Defense Recon Mechanized Recon Armor Artillery Motor Transportation Amphibious Armor Infantry Task Org two levels down Command relationships (OPCON, TACON, etc.) Earlier we mentioned that the OPT needs to develop the Task Organization of the force. This process began with the arraying of forces and the relative combat power assessment conducted when we began building the force requirement. Here we see a task organization that depicts two levels down from the MEF. It is during this process that the OPT and the commander determine the appropriate command relationships, to include tactical mission assignments and support relationships. The OPT should take a detailed look at the main effort, supporting effort, reserve and security forces. Forces should be compared against the enemy again to ensure they are tailored adequately, to identify any potential risk or shortfalls, and to apply any potential asymmetric advantage. The OPT must ensure the force is constructed, sized, and supported according to its assigned tasks. Airborne Infantry Rotary Wing Engineers Motorized Infantry Fixed Wing
Unit Size Squad Section Platoon Company Battalion Regiment Brigade Division Corps/Force Task Org two levels down Command relationships (OPCON, TACON, etc.) Earlier we mentioned that the OPT needs to develop the Task Organization of the force. This process began with the arraying of forces and the relative combat power assessment conducted when we began building the force requirement. Here we see a task organization that depicts two levels down from the MEF. It is during this process that the OPT and the commander determine the appropriate command relationships, to include tactical mission assignments and support relationships. The OPT should take a detailed look at the main effort, supporting effort, reserve and security forces. Forces should be compared against the enemy again to ensure they are tailored adequately, to identify any potential risk or shortfalls, and to apply any potential asymmetric advantage. The OPT must ensure the force is constructed, sized, and supported according to its assigned tasks. Fire Team
Platoon Battle or Blocking Position Control Measures Ambush Linkup Point Coordinating Point Checkpoint Assembly Area Phase Line Battalion Boundary Company Battle or Blocking Position Squad Battle or Blocking Position Objective Attack Position Task Org two levels down Command relationships (OPCON, TACON, etc.) Earlier we mentioned that the OPT needs to develop the Task Organization of the force. This process began with the arraying of forces and the relative combat power assessment conducted when we began building the force requirement. Here we see a task organization that depicts two levels down from the MEF. It is during this process that the OPT and the commander determine the appropriate command relationships, to include tactical mission assignments and support relationships. The OPT should take a detailed look at the main effort, supporting effort, reserve and security forces. Forces should be compared against the enemy again to ensure they are tailored adequately, to identify any potential risk or shortfalls, and to apply any potential asymmetric advantage. The OPT must ensure the force is constructed, sized, and supported according to its assigned tasks. Platoon Battle or Blocking Position Target
Operational Graphics Axis of Advance (Heliborne) Axis of Advance (Ground) Max Effect Axis of Advance (Ground) Axis of Advance Planned Direction of Attack Task Org two levels down Command relationships (OPCON, TACON, etc.) Earlier we mentioned that the OPT needs to develop the Task Organization of the force. This process began with the arraying of forces and the relative combat power assessment conducted when we began building the force requirement. Here we see a task organization that depicts two levels down from the MEF. It is during this process that the OPT and the commander determine the appropriate command relationships, to include tactical mission assignments and support relationships. The OPT should take a detailed look at the main effort, supporting effort, reserve and security forces. Forces should be compared against the enemy again to ensure they are tailored adequately, to identify any potential risk or shortfalls, and to apply any potential asymmetric advantage. The OPT must ensure the force is constructed, sized, and supported according to its assigned tasks. Attack Arrowhead Defensive Position Main Supporting Feint
Weapons Light Med Heavy Light Med Heavy Tank Howitzer Machine Gun AT Missile Light Light Med Heavy Light Med Heavy Light Task Org two levels down Command relationships (OPCON, TACON, etc.) Earlier we mentioned that the OPT needs to develop the Task Organization of the force. This process began with the arraying of forces and the relative combat power assessment conducted when we began building the force requirement. Here we see a task organization that depicts two levels down from the MEF. It is during this process that the OPT and the commander determine the appropriate command relationships, to include tactical mission assignments and support relationships. The OPT should take a detailed look at the main effort, supporting effort, reserve and security forces. Forces should be compared against the enemy again to ensure they are tailored adequately, to identify any potential risk or shortfalls, and to apply any potential asymmetric advantage. The OPT must ensure the force is constructed, sized, and supported according to its assigned tasks. Med Antitank Gun Mortar Med Light Med Heavy Light Med Heavy Heavy Heavy AT Rocket Launcher Howitzer