How much should I get for working??… Calculating Wages
Episode 125 Biz Kids
Daily Wages Hours x Wage 10 hours @ $7.25/hr. 20 hours @ $8.50/hr. 12 hours @ $9.75/hr. 35.5 hours @ $12.75/hr. 9.75 hours @ $10.80/hr.
Weekly Wages Find total x 5= 6 hours per day @ $7.75/hr 8 hours per day @ $8.50/hr 7 hours per day @ $10.25/hr 8.5 hours per day @ 12.50/hr
How much per hour? If you earned $325 this week for working 10 hours, how much per hour? Your gross pay was for one week at $812.75, how much did you make for one hr? More practice pg.
Working Overtime (OT) If you are paid hourly, most times companies will pay for any hours worked over 40 hours Figure OT hrs 42 _______ 46 _______ 34 _______ 50 _______ More practice pg.
Calculating OT Time and a half (1.5) Double Time (2)
Overtime Wage x1.5= $7.50 regular -how much is overtime? 3) $9.00 regular/hr- you work 2 hrs overtime, how much extra? 4) $8.65 regular/hr-you work 3 hours overtime, how much extra?
Overtime Double Time Wage x 2 = $7.75 regular-how much is overtime? 2) $9.25 regular-how much is overtime? 3) $8.00 regular-you work 5 hours overtime, how much extra? 4) $8.50 regular-you work 10 hours overtime, how much extra?
Calculating Reg Pay and OT Pay You worked 45 hours @ $10 per hr and will get time and half, how much did you earn? You earn $20 per hr, worked 52 hrs and receive double time for your OT , how much did you gross?
Problems That Involve Time… Weeks in a year ______ Weeks in a month _______ Days in a year _______ Months in a year _______ Which months have 30 days? 31 days? 28 days (leap year)?
When do you multiply and when do you divide? Calculate earnings that you want to get bigger (Multiply) Calculate earnings that you want to cut into smaller chunks (ie year to weeks, month to weeks) you need to divide-chop, chop!! See pgs….