Bell Ringer – 10/25/07 Explain the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 (2 to 3 sentences) Why did Roosevelt issue the order to have 110,000 Japanese put into Internment camps?
Axis vs. Allies Axis powers – Germany, Italy, & Japan. These countries agreed to fight together against the United States. Allies – nations who fought with the U.S. against the Axis. Great Britain & the Soviet Union
Battle of Stalingrad (Soviet Union) In 1942 the German air force attacked Stalingrad and set the city on fire The Soviets were devastated but counterattacked the Germans when fierce winter storms set in. The Germans struggled through the winter until supplies ran out and men died in huge numbers Turning point – the Soviets were gaining on Germany
Roosevelt & War He wanted to help the Allies but had to appease U.S. citizens who opposed entering the war He called the German (Nazi) U-boats the “rattlesnakes of the Atlantic” Atlantic Charter – A joint declaration of war, signed by Winston Churchill (British Prime Minister) & Roosevelt. Agreed on cooperation and freedom of seas
Battle of Britain In the fall of 1940 the Germans bombed Britain for months Britain fought back and defended their Air Force – it was essentially a German loss Sweden decides to remain neutral during the war
Terms WAAC – Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps. Created to enable women to serve in noncombat positions (nurses, radio operators) Douglas MacArthur – WWII General who was in the Philippines during Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt ordered him to leave and he stated “I will return!” Charles Coughlin – Catholic priest who mocked Roosevelt on the radio Dr. Francis Townsend – stated that Roosevelt needed more health and pension programs for the elderly
The Atomic Bomb Two bombs dropped by Americans in August 1945 – first Hiroshima, then Nagasaki Truman (now president) wanted to drop the bomb to end the war quickly 200,000 people die as a result of radiation and injuries