SOUTH WEST STRATEGIC REGIONAL COASTAL MONITORING PROGRAMME Annual Partners Meeting 2013 Neil Baglow Regional Coordinator / Project Manager
SWRCMP Progress Report and Programme Developments Simon Humphry Teignbridge District Council Good Morning overview of the progress and proposals for the next 5 year phase
Contracts awarded to date Contracts awarded this year are: Aerial Photography 2013/14 ( 1 year contract) Single Beam Survey of the Teign 2012-13 Contracts Still to be awarded Trial area for Habitat Mapping (2013/2014) Full habitat mapping 2014/2015 Further Bathymetric surveys programmed for 2013/2014
Wave Buoy and Tide Gauge Network Proposal for the next stage is to keep the network as it No scientific justification to increase the number of wave buoys at present.
Wave Buoy and Tide Gauge Network Stormy conditions last year caused higher than expected AWOL wave buoys Isles of Scilly wave buoy in the process of being deployed Proposal for the next stage is to keep the network as it No scientific justification to increase the number of wave buoys at present.
Wave Buoy and Tide Gauge Network Proposal for the next stage is to keep the network as it No scientific justification to increase the number of wave buoys at present.
Wave Buoy and Tide Gauge Network Examples of projects the data is being used on are: West Bay modelling Managing coastal change – West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Bill Used to inform duty officers for flood warnings within the Environment Agency Proposal for the next stage is to keep the network as it No scientific justification to increase the number of wave buoys at present.
Wave Buoy and Tide Gauge Network Other benefactors include: Use by local fishermen to predict the sea state Use by local leisure industries Recreation users for example surfers Proposal for the next stage is to keep the network as it No scientific justification to increase the number of wave buoys at present.
Topographical Surveys TSW 4 TSW 3 TSW 1 The area of coastline will be spilt up into 4 work packages let to consultants with one an additional survey package surveyed in house The profile spacing will be variable from 50m to 500 meters and frequency will be on a risk basis Also from request form partners for additional survey work or post storm survey. Availability of post storm surveys. More detailed surveys will be carried out yearly on beach management sites PCO Survey Team TSW 2
Topographical Surveys Baseline surveys complete Autumn interims underway Isles of Scilly surveys complete Laser scanning capacities The area of coastline will be spilt up into 4 work packages let to consultants with one an additional survey package surveyed in house The profile spacing will be variable from 50m to 500 meters and frequency will be on a risk basis Also from request form partners for additional survey work or post storm survey. Availability of post storm surveys. More detailed surveys will be carried out yearly on beach management sites
Topographical Surveys Example of projects the data is being used on: Dawlish Warren and Exmouth Beach recharge scheme Lyme Regis coastal protection and beach management Sidmouth beach management plan Sand Bay and Weston Super Mare BMP The area of coastline will be spilt up into 4 work packages let to consultants with one an additional survey package surveyed in house The profile spacing will be variable from 50m to 500 meters and frequency will be on a risk basis Also from request form partners for additional survey work or post storm survey. Availability of post storm surveys. More detailed surveys will be carried out yearly on beach management sites ©dorsetgeologistsassociation
LiDAR Surveys In light of lessons learnt with in phase one of the programme the LiDAR survey work has been split up into 3 work packages rather than one complete package to spread reasources Problems with Tidal restrictions and weather- difficult to complete work in the available time LiDAR surveys are planned through out the programme with surveys of high risk sites such as saltmarsh, dune, soft cliffs being flown on a yearly basis. It is expected that a full base line LiDAR survey will be flown in Year 3
LiDAR Surveys Year 1 LiDAR surveys of high priority sites complete Year 3 LiDAR surveys will cover complete coastline. Currently under way Year 5 LiDAR surveys will be of high priority sites © Environment Agency In light of lessons learnt with in phase one of the programme the LiDAR survey work has been split up into 3 work packages rather than one complete package to spread reasources Problems with Tidal restrictions and weather- difficult to complete work in the available time LiDAR surveys are planned through out the programme with surveys of high risk sites such as saltmarsh, dune, soft cliffs being flown on a yearly basis. It is expected that a full base line LiDAR survey will be flown in Year 3
LiDAR Surveys Examples of projects the data is being used on: Steart Peninsula managed realignment River Bride at Freshwater cliff analysis Taw Torridge Estuary study Exe strategy In light of lessons learnt with in phase one of the programme the LiDAR survey work has been split up into 3 work packages rather than one complete package to spread reasources Problems with Tidal restrictions and weather- difficult to complete work in the available time LiDAR surveys are planned through out the programme with surveys of high risk sites such as saltmarsh, dune, soft cliffs being flown on a yearly basis. It is expected that a full base line LiDAR survey will be flown in Year 3 ©geograph
Aerial Photography The Area photography survey work has been split up into 4 work packages again from lesson learnt because of tight window of flight because of low cloud cover It is expected that the areal photography will be flown in year 2 and 3. Fully othorectified images will be produced.
Aerial Photography Outstanding survey work completed ASW 3 (Land’s End to Hartland Point)72 % complete. Isles of Scilly outstanding ASW 4 (Hartland Point to Beachley) 68 % complete Weston Super to Beachley outstanding ©Blom Ltd The Area photography survey work has been split up into 4 work packages again from lesson learnt because of tight window of flight because of low cloud cover It is expected that the areal photography will be flown in year 2 and 3. Fully othorectified images will be produced.
Aerial Photography
Aerial Photography Examples of projects the data is being used on: Steart Peninsula managed realignment To be used on habitat mapping next year Detailed habitat mapping carried out on Isles of Scilly Cliff top mapping Useful graphics for reports The Area photography survey work has been split up into 4 work packages again from lesson learnt because of tight window of flight because of low cloud cover It is expected that the areal photography will be flown in year 2 and 3. Fully othorectified images will be produced.
Habitat Mapping Trial area to be completed this winter at Chesil Beach Bulk of habitat mapping to be carried out next year Habitat mapping will be carried out in year 4 of the programme based on 2012 Aerial Photography. Only habitat mapping that is a statuary will be mapped in this phase. Data avaible on web site as phase one – Emerlad going into improvement into web site later.
Data Use Habitat mapping will be carried out in year 4 of the programme based on 2012 Aerial Photography. Only habitat mapping that is a statuary will be mapped in this phase. Data avaible on web site as phase one – Emerlad going into improvement into web site later.
Budget 2011/16
Working on behalf of the South West Coastal Authorities