The Vietnam War
Ho Chi Minh Vietnam declared its independence from France in 1945 Communist leader of Vietnam Minh forced the French out of Vietnam US stepped in to prevent all of Vietnam from becoming communist Containment policy Domino Theory
Published in America Magazine,1950
American Involvement Escalates By 1963 JFK had sent 16,000 “advisors” to help the South Vietnamese The S. Vietnamese leaders proved to be corrupt Kept US money to themselves Persecuted Buddhist monks
November 22, 1963 John F. Kennedy assassinated.
Gulf of Tonkin Incident August 1964 US warships attacked by N. Vietnamese in the Gulf of Tonkin “unprovoked” Later proven that there was no attack on US ships. Congress and US public support LBJ and increasing troops in Vietnam
The Vietcong Vietcong- communist soldiers in S. Vietnam Used Guerrilla tactics Hit & run Ambushes Sabotage Would not fight US troops out in the open Village peasants kept Vietcong informed of US troop location US soldiers burnt many villages who they thought were helping Vietcong
Two Key Events- 1968 “Tet” Offensive Jan. 30, 1968 showed that no place in Vietnam was safe As war drags on more people blame LBJ Becomes increasingly unpopular and doesn’t run for reelection My Lai Massacre March 1968 American soldiers massacred 350 Vietnamese civilians Public outrage and calls to end the war.
“We huddled them up. We made them squat down…I poured about four clips into the group…The mothers was hugging their children…Well, we kept right on firing.” 22 year old Private Paul Meadlo
Richard Nixon Nixon defeated Hubert Humphrey by 1% to win the Presidency in 1968 George Wallace ran on a platform of segregation and picked up 14% of the vote
Selective Service (Draft) Men 18-26 must register. College students not eligible for draft. African Americans serve in high numbers than whites. Anti-draft & Anti-war sentiments spread through college campuses. Some young men burn draft cards or flee to Canada.
Nixon and The End Nixon has a plan of Vietnamization US troops slowly leave, S. Vietnamese troops take over. “Peace with honor” After My Lai Massacre, American support had dwindled for war. In 1970, US troops invade Cambodia. 1.5 million students close down 1,200 campuses. 1975 S. Vietnam falls to Communist forces.
Legacy of Vietnam Gov’t abolishes military draft. Now must be ordered by Congress. President must inform Congress 48 hours before deploying troops. War and Nixon Watergate Scandal contribute to public cynicism about gov’t and political leaders.
Summary Describe the American public’s attitudes toward the Vietnam War. What were some of the reasons the war was so unpopular to the American people?