Procedure Activity 1 Step 1 (15minutes- L1/L2) Rising students’ motivation and interest. Children enter the class and find a basket covered with a cloth. They have to predict: What’s in the basket? When they guess it’s a fruit basket, ask them to draw the fruit they think it’s in the basket and the quantity I think there are…. Step 2 ( 15 minutes – L1/L2) Remove the cloth and let children check if they guessed fruit and quantity. Tell them to draw, on the worksheet, a happy face next to the fruit they guessed it was in the basket Language sk children to record number of fruits there are in the basket: How many peaches are there in the basket? Is there any pineapple in the basket? Content
Activity 2 Video Handa's Surprise Children will see the video of the Handa's Surprise Story more than one time. Step 1 Story telling and game Read the story and role play game Role play would be good , we could set up an African themed role play area, we could use a basket, plastic fruit, sheets for the children to dress up .Masks can be used as well.
Play the Handa's Surprise maching game and order the stor Play a matching game, using cards of the fruits and the animals get the children to match the fruit to which animal ate . -each children is an animal - each children has a card -children stand in a long line -Handa move long the line as you read the story As Handa move the animals eat the fruit At the end of the Story Step2 Make the Handa's Surprise story long rolls wall paper sticking on the classroom wall the sequences of the story Language : Who is the main character? What appen first ? What appen next? What appen last? Write simple sentences – My favourite fruit is……….. My favourite animal is………. I'm eaten by - I'm a monkey I eat banana Content :learn about different fruits, and different animals
Activity 3 Handa‛s Surprise Fruit Game To play the game you need -a board game -4 cards baskets .. -one or two dice .. -a counter for each player .. -7 pieces of fruit cards for player .. -mandarins cards to go to the centre of the table -2-4 players
1)Each player has a basket with seven fruits cards 2)All mandarin cards go to the centre of the table. 3)Players choose a counter and begin to' start 4)The first player starts and moves clockwise around the table. 5)When the player lands an animal square the player remove the piece of fruit. 6)Other boxes give instructions, some help and or hinder some players. 7)The winner is the player with the first empty basket. 8)When this happens, he or she takes all the tangerine cards and shouts "MANDARIN!!!!!"
Activity 4 Where does the Fruit come from? Step1 Today we’re mapping our fruits and with a little research in the supermarket, the kids are discovering where our food was grown and how long it traveled to get here! A trip to the supermarket, to see where our fruit and vegetables were grown. Luckily, most of the supermarkets label the origins of the produce, and kids will be able to gather their data quite independently. Once they decided we were finished, we came to school to work on locating the origins of the fruits. The older kids could decide they. would be better to draw pictures of the fruit and make a idenity card . The children . Than could use j stock and markers and they could help each other decipher handwriting and illustrate their data.
Step2 Who M I ?
Fruit Eaters Description This is an entertaining, cooperative learning lesson where students have the opportunity to taste a variety of fruits and to graph which apple is the most favorite. Students practice their speaking skills by explaining tue results of the group graph. The student analyzes results of a survey as part of a class discussion Materials -Basket of fruits -Sticky notes -Paper/pencil Procedures 1. Discuss the importance of apples and different types of food we use that are made from apples. Talk briefly about how apples are a good nutritious health food. 2. Tell students that today they will taste four different varieties of fruits and will make a graph to see which apple is the most popular
3 the class predict which fruit will be the most popular. Write these words on the board: Apple .... Class will raise hands as an Fruit is called out . Put a mark beside each fruit word. Count results of the marks for each apple and discuss results. 4 Divide the class into their four equal groups. the class taste the fruits and put the sticky on their favorite. 5 Call group 1 to come to the front. Give each child in the group at least one question to answer about the results of the group graph. Ask which Fruit was the most popular? How many chose each apple? Which apple was the least popular? How many choose that frui 6 After each group has completed sharing their graph, make a class graph. 7 Students return to seats. Discuss results of class graph.
COLLABORATIVE LEARNING to help children learn through talk and active learning in small groups to develope speaking and listening skills giving children the opportunity to participate in their own words and language in their own time without pressure
He painted portraits using fruis , vegetable and flowers. Art activity Portraits Giuseppe Arcimboldo He was born in Italy in 1527 He painted portraits using fruis , vegetable and flowers. And we'll try to imitate him.
How many fruit can you see in the picture.... Materials Some plastic plates ,pictures OF fruits,...... Procedure Make four groups -Children will collaborate all together to create a picture like Arcimboldo did. Content objectives Art: to know painter stimulate the creativity Cooperation Language objectives Questions? How many fruit can you see in the picture....
Students Speaking about the topic Using the correct vocabulary Using the correct structure