Strategic Performance Management
Multiple Organizations Three Ways to Apply SPM The Entire Organization Multiple Organizations A Branch or Strand
SPM Implementation Process SEA, LEA, or School
Four Modules in Implementing SPM Set the Direction Vision, Mission, Values, Goals, Strategies Performance Measures – Indicators, Data Sources, Baseline Data, Targets Operationalize the Direction Connection to Purpose and Direction Coordination and Collaboration Design Actionable Work Milestones and Action Plans Collaborative Teams Implement Performance and Innovation Cycle Implementation data and feedback Adjustment and Innovation Adjustment and innovation Reports (communication)
Strategic Direction Vision Mission Values Goals Strategies Foundation Milestones Year 1 & Actions Year 2 Foundation Student-focused Organization-focused ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS PERFORMANCE CYCLE OF REPORTING, REVIEWING AND ADJUSTING
A Strategic Performance Network
Domain-based Practices Framework presents effective practices that resulted in rapid school turnaround. A Needs Assessment identifies strengths, weaknesses and root causes in each domain.
Selecting Effective Practices Needs Assessment informs selection of domain-based effective practices NIRN’s Hexagon Tool informs selection of practices via 6 broad factors Need Fit Resources Evidence Capacity Readiness
Creating and Implementing a System A Strategic Performance NETWORK Facilitates each organization’s (SEA, LEA, schools) self-determined, aspirational pursuit of more effective education . Creates: (1) a structure of common data elements and coded categories (Domains/practices) and (2) routine reporting cycles that enable a collaborative and supportive system.
Goal-aligned Strategies Each strategy is written as a mini-Theory of Action (sound familiar?) aligned to a domain-based practice (coded category). If we… then… and … A strategy adopted from a domain-based practice (coded category) the SEA wants to implement in pursuit of student-focused goal Short-term impact on districts, schools, or educators as a result of implementing the strategy Long-term impact on the students – refers back to a student-focused goal
Strategy Student-focused Goal: Strategy (1 of several): Each student will meet or exceed their growth targets along the pathway to graduate prepared for post-secondary study and employment. Strategy (1 of several): IF the SEA ………………………………..…………, THEN LEAs or schools will ……………………….. AND each student will meet or exceed their growth targets along the pathway to graduate prepared Domain-based effective practice Result for students-student focused goals Impact on LEAs or Schools Goal performance measure Strategy Performance Measure
Performance Measures Goal Performance Measures indicate progress on moving closer to realizing our goals. Percentage of students who meet or exceed their growth targets
Performance Measures Strategy Performance Measures focus on the “then” portion of the statement. It measures the direct impact of implementing the effective practice. If we provide professional learning and supports on student personal competencies, then teachers will provide opportunities for students to develop and apply personal competencies to enhance their learning, and students will meet or exceed their growth targets.
Milestones and Actions Milestones are the large steps to implementing the strategy (the If we part) They are written in past tense and serve as indicators Actions include Outputs, Timeline, Resources/Budget, Responsible Person, and Collaborators
Performance Cycle Monthly Implementation Status Reports Quarterly Performance Reviews Annual Leadership Performance Reviews
Implementation Drivers
Strategic Performance Network Maintains autonomy of each organization in setting its direction, however operational procedures include common elements Creates implementation and performance data at multi- organization levels Adds a multiplier effect to the potency of the whole system as well as each organization Creates rapid circuits of information through interlaced data that activate responsive supports
SPM Network
System of Interlaced Data Common Elements Goals (and goal performance measures) Strategies (and strategy performance measures) Milestones (implementation measures) Actions (implementation measures) Coded Elements Strategies and related milestones and actions are coded based on 4 Domains Other Coding Categories determined by SEA
And Responsive Supports Coding is used to determine differentiated supports For initial implementation Is there a need for professional learning in a particular domain or practice at the initial implementation stage? Are any leadership supports need to kick start implementation of the plan? In response to progress data What supports are needed to keep districts and school progressing on plans? What immediate interventions are needed to get work back on track?
Digging Deeper with Examples With your group, examine the examples provided and answer the following questions: Does the Strategy seem appropriate for the goal? Do the Category Codes seem appropriate for the strategy? Other than the Category Codes for the Four Domains and Practices, what other categories would be used? Subject area, Grade range? Other?
Applying Learning through Practice Using either School C, District Z or Anywhere State, Create a goal Identify a goal performance measure Create a strategy aligned to a Domain and Practice Identify a strategy performance measure Be ready to share Why is the strategy appropriate for the goal? What category and other codes would be useful?
Applying Learning through Practice Trade your example for a different example created by another team Discuss possible supports The school could provide itself The district might provide The state might provide How helpful would a net of SPM in a System of Support be? How could it be used to build the school’s capacity to use data from a performance cycle to make timely self-corrections or seek responsive supports?
Building A Collaborative and Support System for School Improvement Can Result in More Students Learning and Succeeding in Pursuit of Their Interests and Aspirational Goals.