DOM Integration Meeting D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting 28 July 2017 Daniele Vivolo INFN Section of Naples D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting 28/07/17
D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting Documentation Most of DOM Integration Documentation has been prepared for the DOM Integration review of last December. All files are stored on GD. All the documents are included in a MASTER DOCUMENT File name is KM3NeT_DOM_2016_002-DOM_Integration_Documents Current version: v5 This document lists the applicable and reference documents for the integration of Digital Optical Modules (DOMs) of KM3NeT Phase-1. Applicable Documents Reference Documents For each document the filename on GD, the version number and the last DCR are reported D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting 28/07/17
KM3NeT_DOM_2016_002-DOM_Integration_Documents v5 DOM Integration Master document: APPLICABLE documents KM3NeT_DOM_2016_002-DOM_Integration_Documents v5 DOM Integration Procedure DOM Description of Components DOM Testing DOM Exploded View DOM Integration Tools Quality plan DOM Functional Test Sheet DOM Product Registration System DOM Integration Plan DOM Acceptance Test Sheet Pressure gauge calibration procedure NCR (Non Conformity Report) form Fixing_PMT integration and cabling mistakes DCR (Design Change Request) form D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting 28/07/17
KM3NeT_DOM_2016_002-DOM_Integration_Documents v5 DOM Integration Master document: APPLICABLE documents KM3NeT_DOM_2016_002-DOM_Integration_Documents v5 updated, to be released to be updated ready, to be included in the new DOM site doc no update needed no update possible DOM Integration Procedure DOM Description of Components DOM Testing DOM Exploded View DOM Integration Tools Quality plan DOM Functional Test Sheet DOM Product Registration System DOM Integration Plan DOM Acceptance Test Sheet Pressure gauge calibration procedure NCR (Non Conformity Report) form Fixing_PMT integration and cabling mistakes DCR (Design Change Request) form D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting 28/07/17
Updated files, to be released DOM Integration Master document: APPLICABLE documents Updated files, to be released DOM Integration Procedure Current Version: 5 File Name: KM3NeT_INT_2015_008-PRO_DOM_Integration_Procedure_v5.xlsx Last Update: Nov. 2016 DCR: KM3NeT_QA_2017_106-DCR-NAP_004_DOM_Integration_Procedure_v1 List of major changes: AHRS/Compass calibration values check before CLB installation Added references to new documents New Cooling bar New cooling mushroom Added reference to new Functional and Acceptance test sheets Updated tools document Warning about DOM handling during gel pouring New version: almost done, it will be released TODAY (the corresponding DCR has been approved) Still missing: AHRS/Compass check and DOM closure Notes: all changes have been discussed (and agreed) both during SC and DOM integration meetings. Included indications by Frank. D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting 28/07/17
Updated files, to be released DOM Integration Master document: APPLICABLE documents Updated files, to be released DOM Description of components Current Version: 3 File Name: KM3NeT_INT_2016_006-DOM_Description_Of_Components_v3.docx Last Update: N/A DCR: KM3NeT_QA_2017_107-DCR-NAP_005_DOM_Integration_Tools_v1 List of changes: New Cooling bar New version: this file will be included in the upcoming DOM Integration Sites document. The corresponding part has already been completed. 100% Functional test sheet Current Version: 8 File Name: KM3NeT_DOM_2016_008-DOM_Functional_Test_Sheet_v8.xlsx Last Update: Nov. 2016 DCR: KM3NeT_QA_2017_105-DCR-NAP_003_DOM_Functional_Test_v1 List of changes: FPGA temperature lowered to 40°C due to failing acceptance tests New version: already done, it will be released TODAY (the corresponding DCR has been approved) D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting 28/07/17
Updated files, to be released DOM Integration Master document: APPLICABLE documents Updated files, to be released Acceptance test sheet Current Version: 8 File Name: KM3NeT_DOM_2016_008-DOM_Functional_Test_Sheet_v8.xlsx Last Update: Nov. 2016 DCR: KM3NeT_QA_2017_104-DCR-NAP_002_DOM_Acceptance_test_v1 List of changes: AHRS FW version field added New Calibration document reference New version is not yet available. The final decision on the corresponding DCR is suspended Discussion about the DCR has not been completed. Investigation is still ongoing. Based on PMT test statistics, the PMT group suggested to set the dark counts limit during the acceptance test to 10kcps Current DOM production in Nikhef is done with Erlangen PMTs (not tested). Many NCRs around. In order to take into account this, the following proposal has been submitted to the SC: Dark noise limit during acceptance test set to 10kcps verification of “tunability”: enlarge the acceptance interval Investigation for a final decision has been completed, updates will come soon. D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting 28/07/17
to be updated DOM Integration Master document: APPLICABLE documents DOM Testing Current Version: 3 File Name: KM3NeT_DOM_2016_004-DOM_Testing_v3.docx Last Update: Nov. 2016 DCR: N/A List of changes: AHRS/Compass calibration and re-calibration New version: this part must be added to the existing file. Part to be added is already available: 80% KM3NeT_CALIB_2017_004-PRO_AHRS_Calibration_v3 DOM Integration plan Current Version: 5 File Name: KM3NeT_INT_2015_009-DOM_Integration_Plan_v5.docx Last Update: Nov. 2016 DCR: N/A List of changes: Planning for 2017 New version: a planning for 2017 has been recently proposed. If confirmed, updating the document is trivial. 90% D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting 28/07/17
DOM Integration Master document D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting What can be added What is still missing is documentation for non-standard procedures: - re-opening of DOMs - separating DOMs from the VEOC - re-closure of DOMs (external pressure gauge) - re-calibration of AHRS/Compass – done D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting 28/07/17
D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting New proposals DOM Integration software Integration of functional and acceptance test sheets inside the KM3NeT DOM Integration software (fill a window instead of an excel file). Advantages: data will be sent directly to the DB automatic log the excel file will be automatically produced (then it must be loaded on the elog) communication with the DB will be authomatized (no more python script) ONGOING check of CLB calibration details will be included automatic production of NCR, too! And automatic communication with the DB Database Integration of SRS inside the DB. This will help a lot with the documentation Every other idea is welcome! D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting 28/07/17
D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting Quality NCRs Discussion about NCRs is now possible, some items needed more investigation. Nikhef issues ToT for untested PMTs Dark noise for untested PMTs High rates in DOMs produced by some PMTs FPGA cooling pressure gauge during DOM re-closing clock reset some of these items are still under study New rules for documentation Shipment of DOMs requires some actions. A discussion has already been started. Agreement on possible actions Procedure must still be written ISRs will be adequately informed on new rules. D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting 28/07/17
D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting Miscellaneous Distribution of components Will start to be operative just after this meeting. Need an inventory from all sites. Already available: Nikhef Napoli well…Strasbourg and Nantes! Distribution will be arranged according to the plans for autumn DOM production. Discussion will be done after the reports from DOM integration sites Call for technicians A joint effort is now mandatory to finally solve the Dom closing issue. Drawing and cost estimate of the DOM closing table currently used in Amsterdam are available. We need to re-design the tool in order to have lower cost while keeping all the functionalities. Please ask your groups (or your local services) for volounteers. D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting 28/07/17
D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting Miscellaneous DOM Integration workshop Open a doodle, let’s start discussion. Guidelines about organization. 3 days for technicians (ISR must attend as well): Training on ALL the phases o DOM integration Done on a proper number of DOMs at different integration stages, in order to avoid waiting times 2 days for ISR’s only: safety rules, DOM testing, DOM integration software, quality…. The candidate site for the workshop is Nikhef. Naples is the only other possibility (also Ctania if it will pass the QA/QC inspection) The candidate period is October (after the CM). We should check compatibility with mass production stress tests. Discussion at SC for priority level (high, in my opinion) An accurate preparation phase will be needed. A call will be done Possibly, an additional training for “non-standard” operations should be considered Call for technicians A joint effort is now mandatory to finally solve the Dom closing issue. Drawing and cost estimate of the DOM closing table currently used in Amsterdam are available. We need to re-design the tool in order to have lower cost while keeping all the functionalities. Please ask your groups (or your local services) for volounteers. D. Vivolo - DOM Integration Meeting 28/07/17