Growing Up Homeless: Part Two
Home Team Children and Youth Committee Liz McCormick, Chair of Home Team Children and Youth Committee / Past Chair of Erie Women’s Fund
McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act -McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act was signed into Federal Law in 1987 and amended in 1990 to eliminate enrollment barriers -Program exists to ensure that each child of an individual experiencing homelessness and each youth have equal access to the same free and appropriate public education including pre-school
Definition of Homeless Youth Homeless children and youth means individuals who lack “fixed, regular and adequate” nighttime residence doubled up- sharing the housing of others living in motels or hotels living in camp grounds emergency or transition shelters living in cars, abandoned buildings Unaccompanied youth- not in the physical custody of legal parent or guardian
National Perspective on Homeless Youth
Erie County Homeless Youth: Birth - High School Age/Grade Category 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Birth to age 2 74 138 161 Ages 3 to 5 not enrolled in kindergarten 63 107 130 Pre-Kindergarten 22 18 11 Kindergarten to Grade 5 400 554 460 Grades 6 to 8 146 173 153 Grades 9 to 12 186 199 197 Grade 13 21 14 20 Total Children 917 1205 1236
Erie County Homeless Youth: Living Status Category 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Doubled Up 401 472 463 Shelter/Transitional Housing/Awaiting Foster Care 440 675 707 Hotel/Motel 46 47 55 Unsheltered 22 11 Total Children 917 1205 1236
Erie County Homeless Youth: Unaccompanied Status Status Category 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Unaccompanied youth 119 129 111 Accompanied youth 564 866 585 Unknown 234 210 540 Total Children 917 1205 1236 * The increase of unknown in 2014-15 is likely a result of increased reporting by agencies that do not collect or are not required to report unaccompanied youth status.
School District Supports Every school district has a point of contact called Homeless Liaison Liaison supports: reduce or eliminate barriers to students academics collaboration with community partners transportation assistance with enrollment school supplies uniforms book bags winter coats and act as an advocate for the students
Erie County Supports Lana Rees, Director, Erie County Children and Youth
Hanna – Formerly Homeless Youth
Call to Action Join the Home Team Children and Youth Committee The next meeting will focus on best practice models and next steps for our community 1:00 on February, 28 at site TBD. Please RSVP to