Why did Martin Luther want to break away from the Catholic Church? The Reformation Why did Martin Luther want to break away from the Catholic Church?
Causes of the Reformation Catholic Pope has influence over most European monarchs 1400s: Renaissance emphasizes secular (non-religious) ideas Printing Press (Gutenberg) made it easy to spread those ideas 1500s: Catholic Monk Martin Luther challenges corruptness of church. Luther from a German state part of the Holy Roman Empire VQ: Why was Luther disgusted by his trip to Rome? Catholic Church sells indulgences (forgiveness) VQ: How does the church use fear to sell indulgences? Luther writes 95 Theses VQ: How are Luther’s ideas spread? 95 Theses 1. no selling indulgences 2. no purgatory 3. Write bible in people’s native language, 4. Bible is final authority, not Pope
A New Religion Pope has Emperor Charles V to put Luther on trial Pope excommunicates Luther, his followers start new religion Protestantism, violence ensues VQ: How does Luther feel about violence in “his name”? Holy Roman Empire torn apart when parts of Empire follow the new religion VQ: How do the Princes stand up to the HR Emperor? Due to Reformation, Catholic Church makes changes known as Counter-reformation Results: No indulgences Bible can be printed in other languages Schools & inquisition formed to teach/enforce new rules
England Becomes Protestant Henry VIII, King of England & Wales is a devout Catholic Henry’s only child is a daughter, Mary. Henry feels women are too weak to be rulers, wants a son Problem: Wife Catherine is 42. Solution: have marriage annulled (cancelled). Problem: Pope refuses Solution: Henry asks Parliament to pass law ending Pope’s power in England Catholic Church replaced by Anglican Church – King is head of the Church 2nd wife, Anne Boleyn gives him another daughter, Elizabeth Henry charges Anne with treason and she is arrested & later beheaded
Voices From the Past: King Henry VIII Third wife, Jane Seymour finally gives him a son, Edward Henry will marry three more times Voices From the Past: King Henry VIII Listen to the CD and answer the following questions in your notes: Who was Anne Boleyn? What happened to Jane Seymour, wife #3? How did Henry find wife #4, what happened when they met? What happened to wife #5, Catherine Howard? What is Henry’s legacy?