What does bullying look like?
Forms of Bullying
Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean things. Verbal Bullying includes: Teasing Name-calling Inappropriate sexual comments Taunting Threatening to cause harm
Social Bullying includes: Social bullying, sometimes referred to as relational bullying, involves hurting someone’s reputation or relationships. Social Bullying includes: Leaving someone out on purpose Telling other students not to be friends with someone Spreading rumors about someone Embarrassing someone in public
Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions. Physical Bullying includes: Hitting/kicking/pinching Spitting Tripping/pushing Taking or breaking someone’s things Making mean or rude hand gestures
Cyberbullying includes: Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Cyberbullying includes: Use of devices such as cell phones, computers, and tablets Communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites.
There are 3 Characteristics of Bullying: Unwanted, aggressive behavior An imbalance of power Repeated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcPpT-oZcP0&feature=em-share_video_user
https://youtu.be/-yl3nmon59w Bystander Revolution https://youtu.be/-yl3nmon59w
What can YOU can do? TipTxt is a confidential communication system. Students can send a confidential text message to report any concerns to a school administrator. Creekview’s TipTxt number is 972-920-6022