Kathy McLoyd & Sara Zamor Access to ART (Antiretroviral Therapy) and Viral Suppression Sub-Committee AVSC Committee Kathy McLoyd & Sara Zamor Co-Chairs
HIV Continuum of Care
AVSC Goals and Strategies Strategy – To closely monitor progress across the continuum of care towards decreasing community level Viral Load Goals- Increase the number of people who access ART and are virally suppressed. To decrease the disparities of those less likely to be on ART AND Virally suppressed
The AVSC Plan: Learn as much as we can about these two bars Gather input from the community Provide sound recommendations 4
Learning a much as we can about these two bars: Not on ART Not Virally Suppressed On ART Virally Suppressed 5
Learning a much as we can about these two bars: Literature Review Characteristics, barriers & best practices MMP & Client Level Data Demographic, social & other characteristics Matrix of Programs & Services Inventory of existing programs & services 6
AVSC COMMITTEE GOING FORWARD 2016: Our Goals Goal 1 : increase the number of people living with hiv in the Chicagoland area who access art Goal 2 : Increase the number of people living with HIV in the chicago land area who are virally suppressed Goal 3 : Decrease disparities of those less likely to on ART or Virally suppressed We have three goals and three key action steps……The action steps are linked to the NHAS goals, we have a timeline and expected outcomes for each goal
AVSC COMMITTEE GOING FORWARD 2016: Our Action Steps Continue to monitor HIV Viral suppression in the community Investigate WHY Young People ARE LESS LIKELY TO BE Virally suppressed Investigate WHY SOME PROVIDERS ARE POSTPONING ART PRESCRIPTIONS Identify best practices for adherence support and on going retention and re-engagement activities
AVSC COMMITTEE GOING FORWARD 2016: Our Action Steps Continued Understand barriers to care for people living with HIV/AIDS Explore disparities among populations, geographic areas and location of services Monitor the effects of the ACA on accessing and maintaining ART Understand the impact of Trauma on access to art and Viral suppression Coordinate with HIV prevention, care and treatment programs
AVSC Presentations in 2015 Directly Observed THERAPY& ADHERENCE Best Practices Anne Statton - PACPI Using Data to provide targeted help for people who are not virally suppressed Dr. Cori Bloom QM TEAM Medical Monitoring Project data and Chicago HIV surveillance data Ali Gagner - cdph
AVSC Presentations in 2015 gaining ground housing Program & adherence best practices Bria Berger-Gaining Ground Innovative adherence programs and case management Gilberto Soberanis - Howard Brown Treatment adherence counseling and benefits navigation- a special demonstration project Christopher Raley - Howard brown
AVSC CONTACT INFORMATION KATHY JACOBS- MCLOYD kmcloyd@cookcountyhhs.org 312.572.4633 Sara zamor szamor@lakecountyil.gov 847.377.8425