Connecticut colony By Asher and Niko
Who and when Connecticut was founded The colony was founded in 1644 and founded by Thomas Hooker.
How Connecticut got its name Named after a Mohegan word meaning beside the tidal river. Its nickname is the connotation colony.
The colony's country foundation This is a new England colony.
Major industries One of the major industries is manufacturing.
Agricultural products Dried meat.
Natural Resources Trees, rocks, and fruit They are known for being “invermental magnets”
Religious Faiths Their faiths is puritan
Two major cities in the Colony Hart ford and new Haven are two capitals
Population in 1775 191,342 people
Statehood (when it became a state) Janurary,9 1788 5th state
Lifestyle (Family, School, Clothing, Food) unhealthy (sick) people were banned and left to rot
Currency (Money) Their money is slave trade
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